🔅Chapter 9

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" Jaya aunty, how are you enjoying your birthday?" Chandra asked her. " It is unique, my husband just walked away," Jaya says. " I will go and feed him," Parvati says. " No, I am his future daughter in law, I will go. You can bring water thought," Chandra says. She gets up and fixes a plate for Amitabh. Dev tells her where he has gone. 

She walks there. " God, help me," Chandramukhi says. She opens the door and finds him sitting on the bed. She could see from his posture that he was hungry. " Hmm, it seems that some people just like to waste food. I won't allow that," she walks in. 

" What are you doing here?" he asks her. " I am here to prevent you from sinning," she puts the tray on a small stool. " See my Dev works very hard but he got that from his tall and handsome father. I won't let you waste the sweat behind this meal," Chandra says. " I have lost my appetite," he says. 

" I don't care. You are going to eat even if I have to spoon-feed you," Chandra says. " You are hungry, just shut up and eat," Amitabh thinks in his head. " I don't want anything from you," He says out loud. " Why are you causing so much drama, I know you are hungry?" Chandra says to him. 

" I-I I am only doing this because it's not good to waste food," Amitabh says. " Of course, I'm not here to befriend you or anything," Chandra says. She gives him a spoon of rice and curry. They both laughed after he ate it. " I am very hungry," Amitabh says. " I know, you are a drama king," Chandra laughs. She sits on the bed beside him. He had taken the tray from her.

" I still don't like you," he says. " I don't fancy you either. You are melodramatic," she says. He looks at her shocked. " You can't say that to me," he says. " Why? You have been very mean to me. It's not my fault that I am illegitimate or a bastard or whatever you want to call it," Chandramukhi says.

" You should still respect your elders," He says. " I am very respectful," she gets up. She decided to get up and walk around the room." Father in law, I was thinking that for the wedding we should go to India," Chandramukhi said. " For sure, I will get Dev and Paro married grandly," Amitabh says teasing her.

She looked at him surprised. " You are quite cunning," she says. " Of course, I am very smart," he says. " Your grey hair shows it," she laughs. " As I was saying, let's plan the wedding in India," Chandra says.


" How is it that we haven't heard a noise?" Roshanee asks. " Do you think he has murdered her silently?" Rani laughs. " Dev, let's go and check," Jaya says.

Dev and Jaya got up and walked to the room. They walked in and saw Chandra wearing Amitabh's father's cap. The cap that even Jaya had been forbidden to touch." It looks good on me right?" Chandra asks him. 

Amitabh looked up for a while, said yes and continued eating. " You are wearing my father's cap," Amitabh says. " Wow, that's nice. I will give it to your grandson when I have a baby with Dev," Chandra says. " Haha, very funny. You forgot to bring water," he says. " It is your Parvati, she was supposed to do that," Chandra says.

" I will get dad water," Dev says. Jaya decides to enter the room. Chandramukhi smiles at her. " I have fed my father in law, I hope you are happy," Chandramukhi says. Jaya removes the cap from her head and keeps it well. 

Dev comes back with water for his father. " Dev, I was telling your dad that we will have a boy and I will give him that cap," Chandramukhi says. Amitabh collects the water and drinks it. " Even a girl can wear it," Dev says. " That's true," Chandra nods. 

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