Cedric Diggory II

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Requested by kexiah7

It's been three and a half years since Alisha and Cedric made it official. It's now their Seventh year and it's been a joy-ride, Alisha learned to come out of her shell and try to be more out-going, He helped her embrace herself every day. When he told her that he wanted to enter the tri-wizard tournament so had a heart attack.

"Do you know how many witches and wizards have died in that death game?" Alisha said frantically, She didn't want to lose Cedric to some deadly game that could kill him. "I want to use the money to run away, make a family after Hogwarts," He said taking her hands and kissing them both.

"Ced, risking your life for that isn't the way to go," Alisha said frantically, She didn't know what to do. She would never stop Cedric from his dreams but this was different. You lose when you die. "Promise me to give this more thought when we get to school," She said holding out her pinky.

"I Promise," He said inter-crossing his pinky with hers, He wanted to make Alisha proud, Even if it was life and death.


As students scrambled off the trains, getting their luggage's Alisha looked around. After this year her time at Hogwarts would come to an end. She remembered her anticipation when she got her letter. How the wax seal felt, The paper was freshly pressed, Even the smell of the ink felt magical.

"Ready to make this year feel like our last days," Cedric said getting behind her. She forced a smile, If Cedric is chosen to represent Hogwarts, It might be his last days. "Cedric, I love you," She said while smiling as she walked into the great hall, Before they had to separate to their respective houses, He kissed her, A deep passionate one before they departed.

After they went to their tables, The sorting ceremony has begun. She smiled seeing the nervous first year, The look of nostalgia went through her head. She remembers the feeling of the whole hall looking at you, being sorted into the house you would spend seven years in.

She felt overwhelmed, But it all came to an end when Dumbledore gave his remarkable speech. "Hello young wizards and witches, As you may already know there was a death eater attack at the world quidditch tournament, No worries Hogwarts is the safest place you can be." He said and Alisha remembered the events of only a couple of weeks ago.


"Lisha, You ready?" Amos Diggory said, Alisha smiled at the name he gave her. Alisha is spending the whole summer with Cedric and his family. And it has been an adventure.

"Yeah, Let me just find my cherry lip balm." She said scrambling all over the place, She knew it was a ridiculous thing to look for since they were in a hurry to meet the Weasleys' To head to their World Tournament. She eventually gave up and headed out the door only to be greeted by the one and only Cedric Diggory.

"Looking for this, My darling." He said running out the door with her lip balm. Alisha knew he would not slow down she chased him through the trees, She jumped through branches determined to get her lip balm.

But when Alisha saw a family of redheads passing by she jumped down not a few yards after them, Cedric on other hand jumped right in front of them. "Cedric, Alisha meet my good friend and his lovely family," Amos said as another red-headed man outstretched his hand. She gladly shook it making sure to push Cedric's hand in the process making him drop her lip balm

"We best get going, 'don't want to lose our spots, hmm," Amos said continuing to walk briskly, as Alisha observed the bunch she spotted harry potter and the troubled trio, She kept her distance from his him ever since he came to school. It's not like she didn't like him, She just thought wherever he went, Trouble followed.


The Weasleys' and the Diggory's set up their tents, Alisha wanted to lay down for a couple of hours before the game started. Cedric however was blabbing on about the game and how he had his bets on the Bulgarians or whatever.

A few hours passed on and Alisha felt herself being shaken awake, "Alisha, I know you're dreaming about me, Hence the drool, But the game starts in 35 minutes and we have special spots in the ministers' box." he said picking her up bridal style and rushing her over to the bleachers Since she was half-awake her eyes to a while to adjust to all the lights.

"Woohoo," Alisha roared, she didn't know what was going on, But she didn't want to be a buzzkill. As the game went on Alisha found herself interested. She Cheered, booed, and laughed with the others When it was time to go back to our tents. Everyone heard a violent crack of lightning. Many people looked up to see a bright green dark mark cascading in the sky.

Then people in black hoods sent curses flying everywhere, Everyone screamed and scrambled all over the place, Cedric took no time in grabbing Alisha's hand and making a run for it. A few moments passed and she met up with Amos Diggory. He intimated them to head back home. and like clockwork, they were gone.


Alisha zoned back in to catch the final words of Dumbledore's' speech, "Many of you might not know, But they Tri-wizard will be held here at Hogwarts, A champion will be selected from the three following schools, Hogwarts, Durmstrang, and Beauxbatons." Dumbledore said and right after, Men in red suits, laced with fur came in with stakes of fire. Putting on an epic performance.

Following after came in young women in blue silk dress robes, Alisha rolled her eyes as Many boys gave hungry looks. A tall woman came in, many had to look up to see her face.

"Welcome, Madame Maxine, Professor Karkaroff," Dumbledore said bowing his head in respect, Many students applauded at the Performances, Alisha was not one of them

"Let the games begin!" 

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