-1.1 parents

414 17 23

chapter eleven!

{tw: racism, which is something I do not support or tolerate in any way}


"YOUR PARENTS?" asked Alex, her eyes wide and her jaw slack as Noah looked down at her short figure. She'd barely made it outside the door of LaRusso's Auto Group before Noah had ran up to her, panicking. Apparently, his parents wanted to meet Alex and soon. "I thought they didn't even know about me?"

"They were pressuring me about not being in a relationship yet so I accidentally let it slip that I have a girlfriend and they made me ask you to dinner at my house and I don't think they'll take no for an answer," he said, all in one quick breath. He then gasped, taking in a gulp of air.

"Well, okay," she said, putting a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to calm him down. "You're lucky I don't have to work at the diner tonight. Just let me change real quick, 'kay?"

"Okay, yeah. Sure," he said, nodding. His foot was tapping rapidly on the ground, the anxiety in his eyes shining clearer than ever before. This was going to end bad- he knew that for a fact- but his parents wouldn't take any excuses. He then began pacing around his car, "Sure, sure, sure."

"Hey," Alex tells him, making him stop in front of her. She moves forward a bit to where they were chest-to-chest. Placing her hands on the side of his face, he visibly relaxed as he melted into her touch; leaning his head forward so their foreheads touched. "It's okay, Noah. It's going to be fine, all right? I'm going to go home real quick and change into something nice, and then I'm going to impress the hell out of your parents, okay?"

"Okay," he repeats, although he was doubtful. He knew that Alex was amazing, and he also knew that anyone who thought otherwise was dumb, but his parents weren't exactly easy to impress. However, Alex's tone was so reassuring that it made most of his worries fly out the window. "Okay. Cool."

"Cool," she tells him with a soft giggle. Pushing herself up on her tiptoes, she pressed a soft kiss to his lips. Noah frowned when she pulled away, leaning forward to quickly reconnect. Alex laughed again, the sound vibrating against his lips.

"How's your face?" asked Noah, his voice soft as his hand caressed the bruise along her cheekbone.

"It's feeling better. Mr. L gave me some ice for the swelling," She tells him, making him nod. He frowns however, still upset over the fact that it even happened in the first place.

"I wish there was something we could do to stop her from hurting you. I hate seeing you hurt," he muttered, giving her hands a sad squeeze. Alex gave him a soft smile, leaning up to peck his lips quickly.

"As sweet as that was, you and I both know that there's no way to put an end to Mya being Mya."

Noah frowned more, making Alex sigh and bring him into a hug. Suddenly, however, the two were struck by a plastic water bottle, followed by a shout, "What the hell is it with you two and makin' out in parking lots?!"

"Damn you, Seth!"


"You didn't have to wear a dress," Noah told her as she walked out of her apartment. Alex shrugged with a grin, twirling around a bit to show off the navy blue dress. It was flowy and came down to her knees, and was practically the only really nice clothes that she owned.

"Why, do you not like it?" she teased, grabbing onto his hand as they walked to his car.

"No, no, no," Noah immediately denied, shaking his head rapidly. "That's not it at all, I swear. I think you look beautiful- not that you don't always look beautiful, because you do- it's just that I want you to be comfortable, and if you're more comfortable in a t-shirt and jeans then that's fine."

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