-2.2 tory nichols

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chapter twenty-two!

AFTER THE EVENTS of the Valley Fest, it was safe to say that things got pretty chaotic— the rivalry between Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do just grew, even to the point where Sam, Robby and Noah wouldn't hang out with Alex if she was with Miguel, Casey, or Hawk and vise-versa. It put on strain on a lot of Alex's friendships, especially when Demetri joined Miyagi-Do and Hawk got pissed over a Yelp review. Alex felt as if she was being stuffed into the middle of a war— a war that had barely started.

One thing that was going good because of this was her blossoming friendship with Moon. Because Moon was friends with both Miyagi-Do and Cobra Kai, just as Alex was, the two became an iconic and unlikely power duo. While some might find that odd, especially considering Moon used to help Yasmine and Mya bully Alex, Alex really was beginning to adore the sweet girl.

Moon had apologized, several times, for helping spread the rumors that Mya started. Alex, being the forgiving person she is, welcomed Moon into her life with open arms. The pretty brunette often accompanied Miguel on his visits to the diner, sometimes even staying longer than said boy.

To Alex, it was nice to have someone else around who didn't enjoy violence. Moon was just as peaceful as Alex, which was like a breath of fresh air compared to the rest of the noirette's friends.

On Alex's first day off of work in two weeks, she made plans with Moon to go to a fundraiser downtown for the homeless children in L.A.. Afterwards, the duo met up with Miguel, Casey, Hawk, and Aisha, who were thrilled to introduce the pair to the new girl at Cobra Kai.

"Alex, my dear friend," began Casey, moving out from in front of the mystery girl and doing jazz hands around her, "This is Cobra Kai's newest feminist,—"

"Tory?!" grinned Alex, the noirette's mouth falling open in shock. Rushing forward, she pulled the blonde into a hug. Tory laughed, hugging the shorter girl back just as tight. Casey frowned, squinting in confusion.

Sharing a look with Miguel, Casey shrugged, "I guess they know each other already."

"Oh my god, Alex," giggled Tory as she looked down at the girl. "It's been forever."

"Right?!" agreed Alex, jumping up and down in joy. Her dark curls bounced as she jumped, the hair shinning from the lighting of the bright sun. Her smile was large, her dimples showing deeply as she laughed happily. "We moved to Cali for a reason, but it seems like I never see you!"

"Wait, hold on," said Miguel, his arm going around Alex's shoulder smoothly as he looked down at her in confusion. "You know Tory?"

"No, she's a complete stranger," laughed Alex, sarcastically.  Tory chuckled too, shoving Miguel's arm from the darker-skinned girls shoulder and replacing it with her own.

"Yeah, it's not like we're cousins or anything."

"You're cousins?" asked Aisha, her eyebrows furrowed in skepticism as she looked between the two. The pair nodded in unison, both still smiling like fools. Moon grinned too, thinking it was great that the cousins seemed so happy.

"Yep," confirms Alex, "My dad and her mom are twins. Nothing alike, though. That's why me and mom moved here to L.A. and not Sacramento or something. We have family here."

"And what a coincidence it is that I became friends with your friends through karate," adds Tory, bumping her hip against the smaller girls. "I didn't think you'd hang around with such violent people."

"Yeah, well, I didn't think you'd ever become one of those violent people," teased Alex, bumping the girl right back. Aisha snorts at the duo, the height difference alone being enough to laugh.

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