-3.4 trouble for the larusso's

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chapter thirty-four!

AS IF THE UNIVERSE COULDN'T STAND ALEX BEING HAPPY FOR MORE THAN FIVE MINUTES, things had to get bad again even before she stepped into work a few days later. Miguel was getting better and had a surgery planned for later on in the week. The doctors were still unsure if he would ever be able to walk again, which made Alex concerned for her boyfriend. She had heard on the news that Robby had been caught, which the thought of made her stomach twist. She loved Miguel more than anything, but Robby had became somewhat like a brotherly figure during their time as friends and it hurt to see what had become of him. She was upset about the fight, and she knew it was because of him that Miguel was in the position he was in, but she couldn't help but wish it was a huge accident. It also made her scared to think of him in juvie. In New York, she had been friends with a girl who got put in juvie for only a month or so and she was never the same afterwards. The girl had seemed traumatized, and as angry she was at Robby, she would never wish this on him.

But everything continued to go downhill when she walked into LaRusso Auto Group and saw Tom Cole standing in front of Mr. and Mrs. LaRusso. Sales have been pretty low as it is at the company, which had worried Alex enough as it is, but seeing Tom Cole there, probably to rub it in their face, just gave her a bad feeling. Approaching the group, she realized that her old co-worker Anoush was with annoying man. She had completely forgotten that he had been hired by Cole.

"I heard sales weren't going so well over here," Alex heard the man say as she got closer. She pursed her lips, knowing that he was likely about to say something completely uncalled for. "Guess that happens when you put kids in comas, am I right?"

Alex rolled her eyes as Tom Cole laughed. She moved to stand next to Amanda, her arms crossed over her chest as she put on the nicest smile she could muster, "Hey, Mrs. LaRusso. Mr. LaRusso. Hope everything is going well today."

Amanda and Daniel smiled at the girl, their moods brightening just a bit at the sight of the girl. Tom Cole's eyes widened at Alex, a small grin playing at his lips and Alex could feel a stupid remark coming. She had met the man a few times before, and all he ever did was just rudely insult people. "Oh, goodness. Are you one of the kids from the fight? Did you know the Diaz boy? Were you friends? Or were you friends with Robby Keene?"

Daniel went to lunge forward, probably ready to punch the crap out of the mans face, but Amanda held him back. Alex frowned, wondering why he was speaking of Miguel like he was dead. She had to remind herself that Miguel was awake now, and was going to be okay. Raising her chin a bit, she gave the man smile, holding back whatever she wanted to say. Daniel admired her ability to be the bigger person.

"Really, Anoush? You walk in with this guy and let him talk to us like that?" asked Daniel, Anoush looking a tad bit guilty. Alex had remembered when he quit; as it had led to her promotion, and she had remembered how it had showed Daniel that he needed to reprioritize.

"It's just how he talks, you get used to it," the poor guy sighed, exhaustion written on his face. Alex could tell he was fed up with his boss.

"What do you want, Tom?" asked Amanda, cutting straight to the chase. She moved to position herself defensively in front of Alex. Alex had been through enough and Amanda would fight tooth and nail to make sure nothing ever happened to her again.

"Relax," said the annoying man. "I'm not here to fight. That's your domain. I'm here as a friend. I thought to myself, "Tom, the LaRussos are spiraling. I mean, no customers, no Nespresso. You alone can help them." So, I'm here to make you an offer."

"You wanna buy a car?" asked Daniel, doubtfully. Alex peered over Amandas shoulder, giving the man a look. She knew exactly what Tom Cole wanted.

"Dan. A car? No, no, no," he laughed. "I want the whole shebang."

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