Chapter 22

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A/N: Surprise!

Im back baby and I am freaking excited for this chapter!

Yknow why?

Of course ya don't cause you havent read it yet silly!

Okay im like super hyped on on amazeballs rydellington stories and I am so motivated for this shiz so lets get to it!!!!!

(Rydel's POV)

"It's going to be ok." Rose tries to convince me.

"Are you sure?" I asked once again.

"Yes, and you know why?" She looks me dead in the eyes.


"Because, it's just going to be you three out like a normal family and then, you guys are going to go home like a normal family and then you both are going to get up and put in the same effort to get Riley up tomorrow and get her ready and fed for school, okay?" She explains.

"But-" I try to say something before Rose cuts me off.

"Rydel, he's gotta learn sometime." she reminds me.

I tried once again to make her change her mind but she continues to insist.

"Look, you can't tell me that there isn't a plus in this for you, you guys are going to have a house to yourself to learn how to be a family because obviously, sleeping over at your family's house for almost the whole week is not the way to go. And besides, what are you going to do when you guys eventually end up living together? And don't tell me you won't because if I know anything about this, you will so why not start learning now?" She persuades me.

"Fine." I give in.

"Good, now go get ready." She orders.

"Yes mom." I mock back as she laughs.

I go to get ready in some casual clothes for tonight since El wanted to take Riley and I out.

I ended up choosing ripped skinny jeans, and my simple black shirt that had the sleeves go down to my elbows.

I go to look for shoes to wear when I spot pink from the corner of my eyes.

'I havent worn these in a while' I think to myself as I reach out for the pink high tops I had at the back of my closet.

I head to the next to room to see if I can help Riley.

"Hey baby girl, do you need any help?" I prop myself up against the door frame.

"Yeah, can you help me find an outfit mommy?" She turns to face me from where she sat in front of the closet.

"Lets see what we can find." I smile at my little girl and she gladly returns it.

We ended up chosing light washed jeans that had little rips here and there, a light grey tank top with a purple flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, and some purple converse.

"Okay, lets get you to the bathroom so we can finish up." I comment as I button the first three bottom buttons on her shirt.

She nods and skips down the hall to the bathroom with me trailing behind her.

"Alrighty, what do we want tonight girly?"

She puts on her thinking face before an idea strucks her and she stands in front of the mirror.

"Curls please." She requests.

"Yes ma'am." I salute before turning on the curling iron and getting my things ready.

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