Chapter 28

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also I suck at updating everything but I'm getting around to it. It's just that it's the final part of my senior year so I'm like scrambling to try and make sure everything's gucci for me to graduate BUT that's no excuse so let's get started!

(Rydel's POV)

"Hey Rydel?" Ellington brings my attention away from the TV in front of us as I shift my head in his lap so I can properly look at him.

"Yeah babe?" He plays with my hair for a minute, thinking, before responding.

"How do you feel finding a place together?" He keeps his eyes on the screen, not daring to glance in my direction.

"What? You mean like just you, Riley and I?" I voice my thoughts and he finally looks down at me and he stopped playing with my hair suddenly.

"..Yes? We don't have to if you don't feel comfortable with it, I just though-"

"I would love to live with our daughter and the love of my life." I smile up at him and he grins as well, leaning down as I meet him halfway and gives me a soft peck on the lips.

"I was hoping you'd say yes." I get up from the couch and look at him with my hand extended towards him.

"What?" He chuckles looking at my outstretched hand.

"Well c'mon then, let's go look around a little while Riley's still at school." I grab his hand and attempt to pull him up but I lose my grip and fall flat on my butt.

"Oh alright." He gives a heartwarming laugh this time and helps me up. We put on our sweaters and head out the door, but not before Ellington snatches his keys off the table that was placed by the door.

"Shall we?" He opens the door and offers his arm. I link my arm with his and we walk around to the car, where he held the door open for me.

"Why, thank you." I voice a silly accent, stifling my giggles.

"You're very welcome, my dear." He replies in the same accent as we both let our giggles loose.

"So, where to?" He glances my way before putting the car in motion.

~*~   (time skip bc i dont know anything about apartments yet and this isnt really relevant just yet)

"Well that was..tiring." I sigh leaning my head against the window as we pull up to Riley's new school.

"We'll find one, it just takes time." He takes my hand in his as we sit there, listening to the radio and singing along for the remainder of the hour.

Once the clock hit five minutes to three, we set out, joining the other parents that were waiting outside as well. Soon, everyone heard the bell ring and kids start to pour out of the doors and to their parents.

"Momma, daddy!" The high pitched squeal rings in my ears as we both move to greet our daughter.

"Can I go play?" Riley practically begs, using those big doed eyes as an advantage point.

"Yes, but only for a little bit. Okay?" Ellington replies. She rapidly nods her head before hugging him tightly and rushes to her friends who were playing on the monkey bars.

"What are gonna do with that girl?" I smile, leaning the side of my head on his chest while he wrapped his arms around me.

"I dont know." He chuckles. I feel him kiss the top of my head lightly before resting his chin on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2017 ⏰

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