Chapter 2

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-7 years later-

(Rydel's POV)

I had a daughter named Riley Ratliff, she has light brown hair, it's almost a dirty blonde. She has Ratliff's amazing eyes and his charming smile. She's 7 years old and is spectacular at singing and playing instruments. She can play almost any instrument you can think of. She's beautiful in every way and I love her to pieces.

"Riley?! You aren't ready yet?" I help her tie her other shoe.

"Okay, c'mon let's get a move on! We've got places to go and friends to see." I remind her as we get into the car.

"All buckled up?" She nods as we head off.

When we get to school we hurry inside.

"Love you, have a good day!" I kiss the top of her head and she runs to her class.

I get to the music classroom just in time to get everything ready before kids come in. I work as a music teacher here at Riley's school.

"Hey guys okay today we are going to warm up our voices and then practice some songs. After that we're going to pick a seat in front of the bongos to play a game." I instruct as we start warming up our voices.

"Okay guys ready to know how this game works?" They all enthusiastically agree.

"Alright, we are going to start with Luke here and he is going to give us a beat and we are going to copy it. Got it?" They all nod an we start.

Turns out that Luke is very talented he gave us a really great beat. It reminded me of El, how he could do any beat without a seconds thought. He is the most amazing drummer ever. I miss him so much. The way his smile makes my day, or how his laugh can cure any sadness, how he's a complete goofball.

"Miss Lynch?" A little girl asks.

"What was that? I'm sorry I was thinking about something." I reply, embarrassed.

"I was just wondering who's turn it was next?"

"Who was the last one to play?" I question.

"Mark was." She responds.

"It's your turn sweetie." She smiles and starts a simple beat.

After the bell rang I did't have a class and afterwards was the kids' lunch time. Usually during lunch time Riley and her best friend Jamie would come in and hang out with my while they are their lunch.

"Del, you have a minute?" Rose asks, sitting next to me. Rose is my friend from when I was little. Riley and I share a one floor house with her. She is the sweetest thing, she let me stay with her when I left 6 years ago and she even got me this job so I'm very grateful to have her as a friend.

"Yea, what's up?"

"Well I know you're really not gonna like this but it looks like R5 is coming to colorado tomorrow to help out our school for a week and at the end they are going to do the musical you're doing." She looks at sencerely.

"No, it can't be. They can't come back here! Rose they can't know about her!" I freak out.

"I know I know that why I've got an idea." She whispers it into my ear as if someone was listening into our conversation.

"That's a great idea I've gotta do it now before Riley comes in for lunch." I get up and walk out the door and to the records office.

"Hi, I have to change a name." The lady at the desk nods and starts typing away.

"The first would be my daughter, Riley Ratliff. Could you change the name to be Riley Jean." She types away again and stops after a couple of seconds. She smiles at me and I head back to my classroom. I get there before Riley and Jamie come in.

"Riley, could I talk to you for a minute?"

"Okay mommy." She takes my hand and we walk out the door and Ito the hall.

"So I need you to know that this week we are going to play a little game and you name is going to change along with mine." She nods.

"If you win I'll take you out for ice cream!" She cheers and I continue to explain.

"Alright baby girl, your name is going to be Riley Jean like jean pants okay?"

"Riley Jean, got it!" She smiles, repeating me.

"Good. Now, my name isn't going to be mommy this week, it's going to be Rydel."

"Why Rydel?" She questions.

"That's mommy's first name." I inform her.

"Okay mommy-I mean Rydel." She giggles.

"Okay and lastly for this week I'm only your teacher until we get home, okay?" She nods a final time and I kiss her head.

"Thank you sweetie." I smile as we go back inside to hang out.

When the day is finally done Riley goes with Rose as I go to the salon to change my hair. Its better if they don't reconize me so I have a better chance at hiding.

Since I moved here, I haven't dyed my hair so I'm a brunette now. They cut my hair into layers and give me some side bangs. My hair looks good so I pay them and hurry home.

(Ratliff's POV)

It's been 7 years since I saw Rydel last. I remember that day like it was yesterday, I was bored at home when I decided to go hang with the Lynch family. I had gotten to the house and Riker let me in mentioning not to bother Rydel because she was feeling to well. It didn't sound like the Delly I knew so I went to go see her, I knocked on her bedroom door. Because it was closed and it's polite. Anyway, she let me come in and I had asked her what was wrong, she said she was sick but I didn't believe her for one second. She was desperately trying to convince me she was okay so I told her I believed her and to brighten her mood I took her out for ice cream. After that, we went to the movies and then to the beach for a while before I took her home at around 6 pm. We hugged for what I wished was forever but was only a couple of minutes before Riker came out to get her. Her goodbye to me was what felt the strangest, it felt like she was saying it like she would never see me again.

Well I guess what I felt was true because that night she ran away. She left a note but she never said anything to help us find her. Riker was the one who found the note. He went to go wake Rydel up for breakfast and when she didn't respond he let himself in. He found the note and had taken it to everyone else. Once they found out, Riker broke down crying, I wouldn't blame him either, he lost his best friend and his sister.

He's actually doing better now days, we just need to keep him from seeing anything that could remind him of her. Technically I have to, considering I have to keep the other boys from the same thing. Believe me, it's hurts me more than anything when I see something that reminds me of her but I have to stay strong. I can't let R5 fall apart, Rydel would never want that.

Tonight we board our plane to Colorado, we all decided to get our mind off of things and go do something productive. We are going to help this school out and at the end of the week we perform in a musical they are doing.

"Okay guys let's go over what classes each of us are going to tomorrow." Ryland reminds us.

"Ross, you go to room 110 which is an art room. Riker, you go to room 215 which is a theatre class. Rocky, you go to the gym. And Ratliff you are going to room 123 which is a music room." We all nod and head for the car to take us to the airport.


A/N: The next chapter's gonna be very fun to write!

Say You'll Stay (A Rydellington Love Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang