Chapter 4

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(Ratliff's POV)

"Hey guys, I'm Ellington but you can call me Ratliff and I'll be helping your teacher." I introduce myself to the second class I have had and they greet me back.

"Hi I'm Rose, the theatre teacher here." She shakes my hand and we go right to learning our names.

"Alright guys let's make a circle and show Ratliff how to play the name game." They did as told.

"I'm Radical Rose." She pointed to the boy next to her.

"I'm Noble Nick."

"I'm Daydreaming Dillan."

"I'm Joyful Jack."

Okay I'm starting to understand how to play this game.

"I'm Mellow Marsha."

"I'm Silly Stephen."

"I'm Doubtful Damion."

"I'm Colorful Caroline."

"I'm Bubbly Bonnie."

"I'm Joking Jeremy."

"I'm Adorable April."

"I'm Gabriel the Great."

"I'm Royal Riley. "

It's my turn now.

"I'm Rebel Ratliff." I joke around.

"Alright, switch places!" Rose shouts as the children giggle and run to a different spot across the room.

I run to the other side of the room and stand next to Rose and the little girl I was by before, Riley.

"Damion, you were last so you start the next game."

"Let's play Ninja!"

"Okay you start then." Rose tells him.

As each person takes their turn I start to get how the game works. The person who's going gets to try and get the two people next to him or her out by hitting their arm. Once the person loses both hands, they are out.

We keep playing until it's just Riley and I. She's fast so I try hard not to get hit as we play on. She somehow wins the game.

"Alright class since we have to actually teach you something each day you come in, today is going to be a scene in your group. This scene is going to be about a girl who gets a best friend. If we do well you get the rest of the time to hang out and talk to your friends until the bell rings." Each child goes to their station and starts working on what they'll do.

"So how's your first day working here?" Rose comes up and asks me

"I really like this class, it's really fun especially that last game. That little girl was good, I wonder where she gets it from." She chuckles at my question.

"You know what? I'm not sure how she got to be so good at everything she does." She replies after thinking.

"Alright first group up is the green group." She calls out as four little children walk on stage.

"Action!" Rose calls out.

"Your braids are stupid!" One boy taunts Riley as the other pulls on one of her braids. I don't like how this play is starting.

"Yea and you can't even play basketball!" They bully her.

"I can play basketball! You guy's need to stop being mean to me!" She shouts back. Whoa, she's a really good actress.

"Yea well you have cooties and your ugly!" They laugh at her.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" This boy comes in and stands in front of an almost crying Riley.

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