Chapter 2: Too Precious

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I'm Kaella Lintan, I've been living here in Wimbledon, London ever since I was born. We we're 5 when the first time we met. I was wondering around the play ground when I saw him sitting all sad on one of the swings. I felt bad for him so I walked towards the swings and held my hand infront of if.

"Hi I'm Khaella" I said and gave him the brightest smile I can give.

"Hello, My name is David" he replied as a smile starts to show on his face.

David Williams, my one and only friend. I don't have friends aside him because I thought it wasn't necessary.

I felt so happy that time, to see his smile is the most precious thing I can think about since that time up until now.

I tried my hardest to avoid him everyday, but it's kind of hard because we're on the same school and same neighborhood. I just need to pretend that he doesen't exists. That's not so hard right?

I was walking on my way home when something caught my eye. It's Lara and David on the playground where we use to hang out.

I felt do angry and hurt at the same time, so I ran as fast as I can tried not to look back. When I arrived at home I ran straight to my bedroom without greeting my parents and started crying as quiet as I can. I don't want my parents to worry about me.

As I cry all of our memories together came flashing in my head.

"Why would he bring that girl in the most precious place of our friendship?" I said quietly to myself.

I cried and sobbed all night until everything turns dark and I fell asleep.

The next morning. I'm not in the mood to go to school, infact I'm not in the mood for anything. It feels like my whole body mind and soul became a dark shade of black. Emotionless. But I went to school anyways. I don't want to disappoint my parents.

When I arrived at school I went straight towards my locker to get my books. As I'm walking I saw a familiar figure standing right in front of my locker. It's David.

"Kaella" he called my name in a soft tone.

"David I'm not in the mood to argue with you and I don't want to talk to you so please just go away" I said with a cold tone and trying not to look in his eyes.

"Kaella I-" He didn't get to finish his words when I interrupted.

"David! I said I don't want to talk so please!" I said now looking straight into his eyes and it was a wrong move. I see the sadness in his eyes and I can't help to feel soft but I can't, I can't fall for it so I kept my glare at him.

He know well that I'm very serious and decided not to make me feel more bad, he sighed and took one last look in my eyes and walks away.

It's hard thinking about our situation right now. We both ruined our friendship. Him falling for a total bitch and me falling for him.

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