Chapter 10: Dream

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I opened my eyes and saw an unfamiliar place around me, it looks like a school but different from my school back in college, high school, nor elementary. I can't speak and just keep walking around, all of their faces are unclear.

"Davy!" I shouted, but it's not me. It's like I'm watching a memory in the first point of view, like a memory replaying but it's not mine, because it never happened.

I ran towards a tall guy against the locker. I can't see his face clearly, everything and everyone seems so dim.

"Kaella!" He shouted back.

Now I really know that this is not mine. Who's Davy? More importantly, who's Kaella?

We we're both walking towards a room, more like a classroom. He held my hand and looked at me, I can see his bright smile and I can feel myself smike as well. I looked up at him and his face started to look more clear.

That's when I woke up.

"What was that? I almost saw his face damn it!" I said to myself sounding a little annoyed and confused.

As I recall that dream my heart started to ache.

"What's happening? What's wrong with me?" I asked myself, I can feel my tears forming in my eyes.

I don't know what's happening to me but I feel so much pain I can't take it so I started to cry my heart out.

"W-why a-am I cry-ying? I-I'm ok r-right?" comforting myself atleast.

I don't know why I feel this way, but I think it has something to do with that dream. I gathered myself and fixed my face, it's all damped with tears.

"Maybe it has something to do with that dream." I said convinced on my theory.

"Is it mine? Nah. That never happened. I think. I don't even know a Davy nor a Kaella." I said arguing with my inner self.

Then an image flashed before my eyes.

I was in some place, all I can see are bright lights. I can't breath, and I can feel my whole body in pain, every single part of it are in pain. It's like my bones have been crushed into a million pieces and my muscles contracted so much that they cannot handle it.

I am laying down a and I can feel it moving then everything turns black.

"What was that?" I said in a low voice. I'm really confused right now, with everything. I need someone or something that could help me.

I looked around the room and noticed that I'm in a hospital room. The scent of the hospital beddings always seemed familiar but I never been in a hospital for too long, it freaks me out.

Come to think of it, I have many phobias. I'm afraid of hospitalsand cars, sometimes I always feel sad whenever I'm infront of my locker but I don't know why.

My friend once told me before things about past lives, but I was never interested because it's a theory. She said that our phobias and unexplainable traumas have something to do with our past lives.

I am so lost in thoughts that I didn't notice that someone entered the room.

"You're awake. Thank god" the person said so I raised my head and looked at the person.

Oh my god! I can't believe it's him!

It's David Williams!

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