Chapter 5: Too Late

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(David's POV)

"David wait for us!" My mom shouted as I ran straight to the door.

"No mom. You and dad should go first I need to go somewhere I'll be fast see you there!" I shouted and went to my car.

"Where is he going this time?" His dad ask his mom as she responded with a shrug.

I'm driving my way to the mall, I need to buy a gift. Something special for Kaella, this time I'm going to do it. I'm gonna tell her how I feel.

When I arrived at the mall I went straight to the jewerly shop and looked at the beautiful necklace displayed then something caught my eye.

"It's beautiful. Can I see this please." I told the sales lady while admiring the necklace.

It is a silver necklace with an amethyst pendant. The shiny silver laces matches perfectly with the bright color of the amethyst.

"It's perfect, I would like to take this please" I said as I smiled with excitement. They placed it inside a matching silver and purple box.

After I recieved the box I went to my car and started to drive to the university.

*Bzzzzzzzz* *bzzzzzzzz*

I can hear my phone vibrating through the door pocket.

*Bzzzzzzzz* *bzzzzzzz*

I took the phone and looked at the caller's ID. It's my mom.

"Hello mom I'm on my way-" I said as I was interrupted by my mom.

"David something happened" My mom said with a hint of panic in her voice.

"What happened? Are you ok? Where's dad?" I said starting to feel anxious. What is happening?

"No we're ok it's not us. It's about Kaella" my mom responded. My body tensed up when I heard her name being mentioned, I hope she's ok.

"What about Kaella? What happened to her?" I asked my mom not noticing that my voice is starting to get higher.

"The hospital called us. Her parents including her got into an accident. All of them are in the hospital" my mom said and my whole world just collapsed.

"Mom you and dad should follow, I'm heading to the hospital." I said as I hang up the call. I turned the car and drove as fast as I can.

"Hang in there Kaella. I'm coming" I said as my tears started to form in the corner of my eye.

"Wait for me Kaella" I shouted while driving as fast as I can.

This shouldn't happen. I'm planning to tell her how I feel infront of our parents. I want them to witness how I tell her that I love her. She should survive. They should survive.

I arrived at the hospital and left my car unparked. I went to the counter.

"Where is the Lintan family?" I asked thw nurse while catching my breath.

"They're in the emergency room." The nurse said as she points the direction.

I ran and didn't bother to thank her. I don't have time, I need to know that she's fine.

I arrived in the hall and I saw my parents crying.

"What the hell is going on? Mom?" I asked my mom who's trying to look calm.

"Son this is gonna hurt-" I interuppted my mom, I don't have time to do these comforting stuffs, I need to know she's ok.

"Mom just go straight to the point!" I shouted.

"You shouldn't shout at your mom." My dad said with a low voice.

"The doctor said they we're brought here too late, they couldn't do anything anymore. The bleeding in the heads cannot be stopped, if they we're brought in much sooner they could've saved them." My dad said explaining the situation to me.

My whole world just collapsed infront of me. My knees started to get weak. I fell on the floor shocked on what I heard.

"No. No. This is not happening" I whispered to myself.

My tears started to fall uncontrollably and I can feel my heart hurting. She's gone, and I wasn't there. I was too late. Too late to tell her how I feel and too late to be in her last moments.

"I'm sorry son, we we're too late" my dad said patting my back as he left with my mom.


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