Chapter 12: My House

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"The doctor said you can leave today" David said after his conversation with the doctor,  he paid all of the expenses in the hospital and stayed with me for 3 whole days.

"You know you can leave anytime right?  You've been staying here for 3 whole days now" I said to him getting off from bed.

"You've been here for 3 whole days too you know" I sighed in his respond.

"You know I'm the patient right? You never left this hospital even for a second. Don't you have any job to be at?" I asked him crossing my arms.

"I took a leave for as long as you're here" he said imitating me.

"Well I'm leaving the hospital now, and you,  you can go back where you belong,  okay? " I said while packing my stuffs.

"I didn't made myself clear enough to be understood. I took a leave as long as you're here,  in London" he said in a mocking tone.

I snapped my head at him and gave him a confused look, and he just gave me a devilish smirk.

"Well I'm planning to leave tomorrow anyways" I said crushing his ego.

Two can play that game Mr.

"Why? " he said clearly,  he didn't saw that coming.

"I was planning on leaving the day after the event before, but because of this incident,  it's delayed" I said zipping my luggage.

"Well you don't have any important plans right? " he asked.

"Well I'm in a year leave from work so-" I cut myself and instantly regretted what I said. I shouldn't have said that to him,  who knows what he have in mind.

"I guess you're free then,  let's go" He said picking up my things.

"Hold your horses Mr. I sincerely thank you for you kind help, if it wasn't because of you who know s if I'm still alive right now. I will pay back all the expenses you made, but I'm fine now. So we can part ways,  you go back to your life and I continue mine." I know this is a dream come true,  my favorite author is infront of me trying to make me stay. But as the time pass he gets more and more clingy and annoying.  I need to get away from him.

"I'm afraid but I don't accept money for gratitude." He said in a strong tone.

"Then what do you want so you can leave me alone? " I asked,  begging him to tell me. Seriously,  I can't take him anymore,  the time will come when I'm just gonna push him off a cliff.

"You need to do me a big favor" he said giving me a cheeky smile.

"No way!" I said furrowing my eyebrows.

"That's how you treat the person who just saved your life?" He said trying to guilt me.

"Fine! What is it?  Tell me now" I snapped at him impatiently.

"Stay and travel with me, just for 3 months" he said pouting

I didn't know this man could look so cute. No Amethyst!  Snap out of it. Even if I wanted to,  I can't.  I didn't bring enough money to last for even a month here.

"If you're worried about the expenses and a place to stay. Worry no more, I got your back" he said patting my shoulder.

"Why? " I asked dumbfounded about everything.

"Pardon? " he said putting my bag down.

"Why would you go all that trouble just to make me stay? And remember we just met 4 days ago. " I said trying to get answers from him.

"Because I feel like I need to. And I feel like we've known each other for a long time now" he said comforting me.

"Don't worry,  just 3 months. After that I won't bother you anymore. Deal? " he said giving his very convincing smile.

"Ok fine, 3 months okay?" I said trying to get this over with.

He smiled and clapped. He picked up my bag and opened the door for me.

"Let's go now. I'll show you where you will be staying. " he said as I walk out of the door.

"Where are we going exactly? " I asked furrowing my eyebrows more.

"My house" he said and walked before me.

Wait where?!

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