Chapter 6: Heaven

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I regained my consciousness but something is off. I can feel my body but in a different way, it's like my whole body is a cloud and I can't feel any pain regarding the accident I've been through.

I opened my eyes and started rubbing it. It's so bright I can't see, after some moments the images infront of me started to look more visible but something's weird. This place is nothing but clouds and wide spaces.

"Where am I?" I whispered, but I noticed that no one is around. I guess I'm alone.

I stood up and started to walk around trying to figure out where I am. This is weird, some minutes agoI'm in the middle of life and death and now I'm here in this weird space. And then I finally realized.

"Wait! Is this heaven?" I shouted in shock, I can't believe this is happening.

"Remain you're elegance young soul" a voice started echoing around. It's an open space more likely in the clouds, where do this echo came from?

"Hello? Can you tell me where I am?" I asked waiting for answers.

"You are in a place between life and death. A place where you can see wisdom and inteligence" the voice responded.

"Can I ask who you are?" I asked wondering if I am talking to one of the saints like Saint Peter.

"Who I am is not important. My existence will only matter in a short moment. I will be the guide for your decision." The voice responded with a comforting tone.

I'm still anxious on where I am.Am I still alive? How about my parents?

"Do you know my parents? Where are they?" I asked.

"Your conmection on your past life doesn't matter anymore. Now I will let you choose." The voice said making me nervous. I need to see my parents.

"Do you wish to be reborn or live in service with god in the eternal paradise?" The voice followed waiting for my answers.

"What do you mean? I need an explanation I'm confused." I said making the anxiety visible.

"To be reborn, live a life down on earth and experience the true meaning of life. Or to be an servant of God, an angel in paradise, a spirit of eternity." The word explains with a lot of wisdom.

Wait reborn? I will be back on earth?

"That means I can go back to earth?" I asked with a little excitement.

"You must remember if you choose to be reborn, you will be given a new life to live as a new born and either of the two things you choose you are with no memories of who and what you are before you died." The voice responded.

No. I still want to experience more in life even if that means I will be a baby again. That's better. Right?

"Ok I choose to be reborn" I replied with full confidence.

"As you wish young soul" the voice said for the last time.

My dody is starting to fade and everything around me are fading away.

"What is happening?" I shouted trying to get a respond, but I didn't.

My memories started to flash through my eyes and one by one are starting to fade away. This is what the voice meant with no memories of who and what I am.

This is the point where I don't know anything including my own name. I started to feel sleepy as the light consumed me into nothing.

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