Chapter 11: Know You

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"You're awake. Thank god" the person said so I raised my head to see who it is.

Oh my god,  it's him!

It's David Williams. My inspiration! My favorite author! I've always dreamt of meeting him,  but not like this! Not in a hospital me laying on a bed wearing a hospital gown with an open back!

With that thought I felt so embarrassed. So humiliating , it' a better idea to stay in bed right.

"Are you okay now? Anything hurts? " he asked sounding concerned.

"No,  I'm fine. Thank you for bringing me here or something bad could've happened to me" I sincerely thanked him.

"It's no problem really. Uhm I've been meaning to ask you this since I saw you. Do I know you? " he asked me scratching his head. I just arrived here in London a week ago so how could he have known me.

"No,  I don't think so.But you know that I know you" I said easing him.

"What's your name?  Where do you live? Do you have parents?  How old are you?" He asked simultaneously,  he's already weird in his books,  I never thought he'd be more weird in person.

"I feel like I'm being interrogated. My name is Amethyst,  you can call me Amethyst.  I live in the Philippines,  I went here in London to attend the international reading. Yes I have parents. And I am 20 years old. Happy now? " I asked him sarcastically.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable,  it's just you remind me of someone I know. Someone who's special time" he said in a straight face.

Somethings wrong. Whoever he's talking about,  he must've missed her or him,  it could be a him.

"Really? Where is she or he? " I asked unsure of what gender we're talking about.

He made a small laugh,  must've liked my little joke,  but it' not a joke I really don't know if it's a girl or boy.

"S-she-" he tries to say but he's stuttering.
"S-she's d-dead long ago" he said gathering himself.

"Oh I'm sorry about that. I shouldn't have asked" I said feeling bad for him. I pity him,  just by the looks it's obvious that he still haven't moved on from her death and still mourning for her.

"No don't be sorry. I'm sure she's in a better place now,  I just hope she's happy now" he said placing a small but sincere smile on his face.

"You know. My friend once told me that everyone have a chance to be born again" I said as I look at him. "To live a new life and be happy" I continued. He's face lit up but the curiosity is visible in it.

"She said god will give us another life to do the things we haven't had a chance to do in our past lives. A chance to become a new and better person." I said explaining to him.

"You really think she will be reborn? It has been 34 years since she died" he asked waiting for me to say yes.

"Probably. Actually she might have been born long ago" I said making him feel better and giving him a bright smile.

"Sorry,  you're the sick one now you're comforting me" he said when consciousness hit him.

"No it's fine. It's better that everyone feels okay" I said looking directly at him.

"You know what?  Maybe I do know you " he said while slowly nodding his head.

Knows me? He's not just weird,  he's very confusing too. A soft,  weird,  and complicated guy.

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