Chapter 3: What Now?

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The whole day I tried hard to focus on the lessons but I can't. Good thing we're not in the same class or it could have gone worse.

At Last it's dismissal time. I really want to go home. I was about to step out of the room when someone pulled my hair.

"Ahhh!!! What the hell is your problem?!" I shouted as I remove the hand from my hair.

"Lara? What do you want now?" I asked making all my rage noticable on my tone.

"It's all your fault isn't it? You made David break up with me. You'll pay for it!" She said as she ran towards me and about to pull my hair again when-

"Lara stop it!" It's David. He took her hand and jerked it back to her.

"Look David you don't understand she was-" she didn't finish when David spoke again.

"I heard everything so don't try to lie. I found out the reason why you want to be in a relationship with me." He said looking directly at her "That's the reason we broke up, not her" he followed.

He knows? How? What is he feeling right now? What now? I'm not ready to see the broken side of him.

Lara was about to talk again but decided not to, she fixed herself and walked out of the classroom.

"You knew?" I asked him while fixing my hair.

"Yes. Ever since day one, I ignored it at first but I know I can't ignore it forever. And when you snapped at me yesterday that's when I decided to open my eyes" he said forcing a smile into his face. I hate seeing him like this, he looks so broken even though he's trying not to look like it.

"How do you feel?" I asked him with full concern and I know he can sense it because a sincere smile started to show on his face. He's glad that I'm still concerned about him.

"Don't worry about me Kaella. I'ma grown man, I can handle it" He said while taking my stuffs from the ground. "Come on let's go home" he said and took my hand.

"I'm glad Davy is back" I said as I giggled.

"Hmm. I guess I'm glad too." He said and looked at me "I missed being Davy" he said showing me his brightest smile.

We are on our way home when we spotted our special place. The playground.

"Hey wanna go on the swing?" He said waiting for me to say yes.

"Of course I do" I replied and ran to the swings leaving him behind.

"No fair!" He shouted as he ran towards me.

"So" He said trying to form words.

"So?" I asked trying to make him finish his sentence.

"What now?" He asked looking at the sky.

The sun is starting to set and the sky started to look orange. I smiled as I think about what happened. Yesterday I was in my lowest and now I'm here happily swinging beside my best friend.

"We don't have to end it like this." I said and we both looked at each other and smiled.

"Infact we don't have to end it, let's stay together forever." I said as I look back in the sky.

"Let's do that. Let's stay together even after forever." He replied.

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