Chapter 15: Change of Heart

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*2 months later*

It's been two months since I started my vacation with David, and I can say that it wasn't as bad as I thought. We went to different places around London and Wimbleston sometimes we bring Albert with us, but most of the time it's just the two of us. Today Albert's was picked up by Lara for his vacation with them.

"Amethyst! " David shouted from the kitchen.

"What do you want? " I shouted back clearly not interested. He walked out of the kitchen and went to the living room,  where I was sitting.

"Could you be a little sweet? You always sounds like you want a fight with me" he said sitting on the other couch.

It's not that I hate him, It's just we barely know each other, and now here I am sleeping, eating, nd bathing in his house, everytime I feel guilty I blame it on him.

"Did you call me just to say that?" I said with my eyes glued on the television.

He sighed and stood up.

"Dress up. We're going somewhere." He said walking towards the stairs.

"Like, right now? It's almost 6 pm." I said, we never left at this hour, the sun is still up this time but when 6 strikes the sun starts setting.

"Don't interfere okay? Hurry up" he said poking his head from the top of the stairs.

After a few minutes both of us are ready to go and we hopped in his car.

"Where are we going exactly? " I asked .

"We only have a month left to spend, so I want to bring you on a fun place" he said glancing at me while driving.

"And what is this fun place? " I replied trying to figure out the road we're taking.

"You'll see" he ended.

It's not so far so after some few minutes we arrived at the place.

"Here we are" he said taking of his seatbelt.
I took off mine and was about to walk out when he stopped me.

"Wait there" he said as he went out and opened the door for me.

"I could do it myself you know" I said ruining his humble gesture.

"I know. But I wanted to do it for you" he said as he faced me and gave me a little smile.

We entered a gate and I was blown on what I saw.

It's an amusement park. I stood at my places and roamed my eyes, there are lots of stalls and different rides. I looked at David in disbelief.

"I guess you like it" he said laughing at my reaction.

"Like it?  I love it come on! " I said as I pued him towards a stall.

"Can we play this please? " I said asi point to the gun stall.
"Okay. Whatever you want to do" he said taking his wallet out.

We both shoot the targets,  both of us are inexperienced so we barely hit the spot.

After that I pulled him to the candy stalls.

"Candy? " He asked raising his eyebrows.

I nodded as a response. "Candy" I said pointing at the different kinds of candies.

After that we rode different rides like the caterpillar and teacups.

"Come on we need to go somewhere" this time he's the one who pulled me.

We went to the ferris wheel and rode one of the carts.

"You tired? " he asked grabbing my hand.

"No I'm fine. I'm just having a good time. Thank you" I said taking his other hand.

"For what? " he said moving a bit closer to me.

"For everything" I said finally sitting beside him , we finally reached the top and we faced the lake.

The sun is setting down and the sky turns into orange.

"It's beautiful right? " I said admiring the scene in front of us.

"Yes it is" he said as I looked at him I met his eyes, he's not referring at the sun set.

He took a small box out of his pocket and took a small necklace from it.

It's a beautiful necklace. An amethyst. I looked at him and gave him a smile.

"I want to give this to you" he said unlocking the necklace. I turned around and he placed the necklace around my neck.

When he finished I faced him and gave him a big hug. He hugged me back and pulled away after some moment.

"That necklace belongs to an important person for me, and I'm giving it to you so you would know that you are also important to me. " he said holding my hands.

"I'm very happy David" I said as I held his hand tighter.

"I'm glad you are" he placed his arm around my shoulder and watched the sky turn dark.

Rebirth of LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon