chapter~5~having a little meeting

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~marks pov~

'leo,luke Simon get the fuck in here we need to talk'mark angrily yells while the 3 boys make there was into the room closing the door with a loud bang.

'were not covering for you to get away from Angela she's a phyco I mean in into freaks but that things differently'one of the boys say.

'ok listen here Simon youd bang anything that has a hole in it but that's not what we're here for were here for my little baby'mark says smirking that sends a little shiver down Simon's spine.

'wait you had a child why didn't luke tell me you yell him everything and he's not surprised at all.leo says virtualy screaming every word.

'no you dick head I haven't had a child I found my child and she's going to be mine weather she likes it or not'mark says still smirking.

'woah calm down there mark you don't wanna scare her away now do ya'luke said still in a calm voice.

'well anyways it's nearly time for our race we better get ready and in talking about you Simon since you gotta reapply your makeup'mark says chuckling a little.

'i don't wear fucking makeup you dick at least a don't have Angela all over me she's like a reusable pussy she goes around to everyone and I sleep with people I pick up at parties I go to and leave'simon cockly says.

And as that they all leave to go get ready for their race.

~time skip to the dramatic slomo walking out of them side by side~

As they walked next to each other side by side looking nice and fresh

Simon with his fluffy brown hair swept to the sides in all directions,his brown eyes like chocolate and a cocky grin plastered all over his face acting like top shit even tho he is the shortest of them all.strong built but weaker than luke.

Leo and his dark brown hair a little curly at the ends blue eyes like the sky a normal smile on his face and standing just a little taller than Simon.same strength as Simon.

Luke his black hair in a Playboy style pitch black eyes that could scare anyone standing taller than the other 2 but a couple of inches shorter than mark and being marks little soldier that will kill anyone for him and sometimes being the stand in for mark if luke thinks it will be to dangerous for mark to actually be there.hes like marks dog he points and luke attacks.has a strong muscular build but not as strong as mark.

Mark pitch black hair and these alluring red eyes like perfect lite Ruby's the same smirk he's had on half the day standing taller then all of them and the leader of the mafia sky has unknowingly joined.strong muscular build.

'now bois let's go fuck em up I've got something to do back in my office and some Luis Vuittons to upset'mark says unhappily while the rest of the boys feel the dominating and dangerous aura he is giving off which means no playing around.

~bye my lovelies I literally had no idea what to do it's just cause I kinda forgot to describe how the characters look so you could say this is kinda a filler chapter but still a good read I think hopefully anyways have a great day suck a dick for me~

Word count~577

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