chapter~13~someones crispy

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'oh I already told you all I know so why the hell are you STILL sat on my back' sky says winging after she finished explaining that she didn't sleep with him and that the kiss wasn't ment to happen.

'oh I completely forgot to tell you this but there's a party on tonight and we were invited to go it's gonna be so much fun'stacy says moving around sky's back making her grouwn in pain.

'i don't think I wanna go'sky said emotionaless.

'bitch what the fuck it's time you made an impact here everyone thinks that they can boss you around let's change that'stacy says arguing back at the completely calm sky.

'listen I'd love to but if there's alcohol im not going'sky said a little scared which Stacy hears.

~stacy in head~

With that reaction with not going to a party and not wanting to go means something has happened in sky's past with alcohol or party's or even both well no matter what I'll drag her there and protect her.

~stacy out of head~

'listen you can still go and stay away from alcohol it's easy I've done it before'

And with that Stacy has convinced sky to go the the party.

~mark after he walks out of sky's room from this morning~

'oh luke take it you have me some news since I just lost sex with my baby'mark says pissed that even can feel over the phone.

'yes mark he's woken up what do you want to do with him'

'oh well how about we have a little bon fire party later tonight and invite everyone that would seem nice wouldn't it's

'ah yes it would but that doesn't help me know what you want me to do with him'

'oh well just use him a fire fuel it would save use money on wood and charcoal would it not'

'ya know what you really do live up to the title Satan don't you and yes it would I'll start making the arguments now'

'oh and Luke make sure he's alive I wanna hear his screams'

And with that mark now has a party to attend and a body to burn alive.

~back to normal time~

'ok now that your going you need to get dressed up sexy no more cute and innocent were getting you dick tonight and it's gonna be Satan or we gonna make him gelous and kill a man or woman for you'

'no he's not gonna kill anyone for me or even kill anyone at all'

'honey he's killed many people, people for looking at him wrong'people who disagree with him'people who get in his way, people who don't so what he says or he tourchures them till they die I mean I heard a rumour he's got a book of all the names of people he's killed and you can't tell me it's all a lie since I've seen it happen'


And with that sky realises that she doesn't do what he says,she's gotten in the way of him winning,she's said no,she's denied him of what he wants so why hasn't she killed him.

'im suprised he hasn't taken you away yet'

'huh what taken me away what are you on'

'oh well If he wants something he takes it I've known him all of I mean the whole time he's been here I think we're the same age I joined the same time as him'

'oh interesting so you have known him a while is that why he doesn't care about you being near my constantly'

'guess so anyways I'ma go raid your cupboard for sexy clothes for me and you since your a Lui vuitton so you've gotta have some'

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