I Am...Yours

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Beyonce's POV

The heat of the lights was excruciating. I huffed and began stretching. Kelly and Michelle were busy talking to the stage manager about the lighting. I laughed at their little squeaky voices getting higher as they were losing the argument. It seemed so unreal. Destiny's Child...going on tour with someboy like Michael Jackson! I looked up and gasped at the stadium. The Staples Center in Los Angeles. It was empty, but it still was magical to me. "Beyonce! Come tell this man that black girls and blue lights don't mix well," Kelly hollered. I rolled my eyes and stopped stretching and stared at my best friend.


"It's true though!" Michelle chimed in. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. "Chill you two. It's not that bad," I responded. I sighed and turned around. I frowned. "We end up on tour with Michael Jackson, but he isn't even here for the first rehearsal" I muttered. Somebody did a cat call behind me. I turned around and stared with wide eyes. Michael was in the building after all. I crossed my arms and stared. Michael was the one who invited us on his tour. He seemed pleased with our performance at the VMAs earlier that year and MTV's special on us. I twisted my mouth up in thought. We've never met the man before...We've never seen him in person until now!

I had the deepest crush on Michael, but I wouldn't let such...emotions get in my way of my life long dream. I walked over to Kelly and Michelle and began talking.

"Hey, did you here that Michael's single?" Kelly whispered. I rolled my eyes as I sipped my water. "And so?" I replied. "I know Beyonce did not just tell me 'so'?" Kelly hollered. I laughed. "Kelly please...I have a crush on him. I don't think we would make a cute couple," I added. Michelle hit my arm. "Don't say that!" I shrugged as I tugged on my tights. "Besides...girls first," I announced. Michelle, Kelly, and I high-fived.

"Destiny's Child!"

We all spun on our heels and looked at who called us. It was the director. "Uh oh...uh oh uh oh," Michelle sang. I crossed my eyes. "Yes Mr. Ortega?" I asked. "Come here." We walked over to him. "I want you all to meet Mr. Jackson." I looked down at the black loafers then made my way up. I slowly engulfed every inch of him. His large hands were knitted together and his thumbs making circles. I finally reached his face. His large doe-like eyes were hiding behind black shades. I imagined them being a hypnotizing brown. His red lips in a line. My lips twitched in excitement.


I blinked. "Stop staring," Kelly hissed in my ear. I gaped then glanced at her. "This is Destiny's Child?" Michael asked. He pointed to us. "Oh...they're beautiful on TV, but absolutely goregous in person." I gushed on the inside. Michael Jackson just called me goregous!!!!! I shifted feet. I felt bad because I had leggings, a black cut off top, and my favorite dance shoes; my black stilettoes. I squirmed, feeling uncomfortable by someone's stare. I glanced at Michael again. I didn't know whether he was looking at me or someone else. "This is Michelle, Kelly, and Beyonce," Kenny Ortega continued. Michael smiled at us.

"Hi," we all replied.

"They even say hi in unison..ah!" Michael exclaimed.

I looked up and rocked back and forth on my heels. "So, Michael are you ready to hear these lovely ladies sing?" Kenny asked. Michael seemed excited and nodded. "Yes please. If you girls don't mind." "I don't," Kelly said. "Neither do I," Michelle chirped. I was the only one left. "Well..." I said. Kelly stared at me. I didn't say anything. Kelly caught my sudden pause and said for me,"She'll love to! I think she went into shock that Michael's here."

Nice lie! Now, you make me look like a little groupie!

I snapped my mouth shut and sighed. "Yeah," I managed to say. Michael nodded. "Good," he whispered. I mentally kicked myself. "Get a grip!" I whispered to myself. I walked over to my mike stand and sighed. "Bey?" I turned around. Michelle looked concerned. "You all right?" She asked. I nodded slowly.

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