At Last

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Beyonce's POV

I was so glad to finally be back in Los Angeles. I actually missed this place. I sat up in my bed and smiled. My first day back as a superstar..not really that exciting. I walked to my bathroom and washed my face. I heard Etta James "At Last" come on the radio. I smiled and thought about Michael. The house phone rang. I frowned and dashed to the living room to answer it.

"Hello?" "Good morning!" I smiled. Michael's voice seemed so light and joyous. "Why are you in such a good mood?" "I'm about to ask the most beautiful woman in the world if she would like to have breakfast at my house." I grinned even wider. " and your ways. What time?" "Well since it's almost noon...what about brunch then?" I shrugged. "Whatever floats your boat." Michael laughed. "I'll ask the driver to pick you up...umm where do you stay exactly?" "Downtown L.A. LaFayette Towers." Michael was telling the driver. "Hurry hurry!" He ordered. I laughed as Michael began calling orders while on the phone.

"Crap," he muttered.

"What?" "Nothing..just remembered something..ugh." Michael sighed in my ear. "I'll see you in two hours." I gaped. "Two hours?!" "Yess...that's how long it takes to get to my house." I groaned. "Fine...see you then." I hung up and frowned. "Two hours...I'mma nap on the way there." I walked back to the closet and pulled out a pair of skinny jeans and a white tank. I slipped on a pair of black heels and began looking for a jacket. I frowned when I couldn't find anything. "Goodness gracious." I snatched a jean jacket and began putting on my make up.

The buzzer by my bathroom buzzed. I answered. "Yes?" "Ms. Knowles?" I smiled. "Yes this is she. I'm coming down." I finished getting ready and dashed down the stairs to the front lobby. "Hey Bey!" the receptionist said. "Hi Karla." I waved and dashed out the door. The driver was sitting there leaning next to a black Mercedes. I gasped.

"Mr. Jackson makes sure his guest is comfortable, Ms. Knowles. I am Jimmy." I smiled. "Beyonce or Bey, but not Ms. Knowles. That's my momma." Jimmy laughed and opened the door for me. "Enjoy." I climbed in, as soon as I got comfortable the car phone rang. Jimmy looked down. "It's Mr. Jackson. Press 3 to answer." I grabbed the phone and did what Jimmy said.


"Like the ride?" Michael asked. "Love it. It's so comfy in here!" I squealed. Michael laughed. "Tell Jimmy that I said be a speed demon for me." I was confused. "Be a speed demon?" Michael went,"Mmhmm. He knows." Jimmy heard me and smiled. "Yes sir! Beyonce, please put on your seat belt and hold on." I secured myself in the back seat. Jimmy made a U turn and headed to the expressway.

"God! Michael, he's going to kill me!!"

Michael laughed. "Jimmy used to be a NASCAR driver..he's a pro at this." Jimmy nodded as he turned up the music. "See when I see you," Michael whispered. I smiled as we got on the expressway. "Have fun," he said. He seemed sneaky about something. I didn't want to know what. I just wanted to get out this car!! "I'll try."

I hung up and reclined in the seat. A girl could get used to this...

Michael's POV

I paced my bedroom like a mad man. How can I get rid of my family in two hours? It shouldn't be too hard. I sighed as I heard arguing downstairs. "They never know when to quit do they?"

I closed my door and thought about Beyonce. She was hurt at such a young age. Her eyes told me all. She hid her pain and anguish from so many. I bet her own parents didn't even know. I bit my lip in frustration. Why wouldn't she tell anybody? I wouldn't say anything to anybody, at least not yet. Slowly, I got up and fixed my messy hair.

I skipped putting on eyeliner, because I was around family. I listened to the radio. I heard the radio host reading the headline of a magazine.

"Michael Jackson's Bootylicious Baby!"

I Am...Yours  (MJ & Beyonce Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now