Thanksgiving Kick-Off

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Beyoncé's POV

My lip quivered as I watched Michael disappear. The neighbors stared at me, waiting for an explanation. I chuckled nervously. "Umm, it's nothing. Just return back to your homes and enjoy the rest of your Friday." I rushed after Michael, pushing my swollen feet as fast as I could. "Michael!" I hollered. The man who I thought was my husband kept walking. "Are you just going to ignore me!?"

Michael kept going. "Fine! Since you think this isn't your baby I might as well tell you this!" Don't say it! I gulped.

"Jose was better in bed than you can ever imagine!!!!" Michael jolted to a stop. "Hell yeah I said it! Jose's a thousand times better than you! Hell, maybe even BIGGER!!!" Michael's back straightened but he only pressed on. "And you know what!? I wouldn't mind doing it again either! Since someone *cough cough* YOU has lost his ability to even get me hot again!!!" Michael kept going. I had to insult him in some way. Something that was going make him stop and listen.


Michael froze and spun around. That got his attention. Oh shit... That worked a little to well. "What the fuck did you just say to me?" I stood up straight and stood my ground. He couldn't touch me because I'm in my final month of pregnancy. That was the most sensitive subject with Michael; his skin disease and his surgery. Something we rarely discussed. "Don't you dare talk about me like that!" Michael shouted. "Why not! You talked about me like I was shit! Why not do the same to you!?" "Beyoncé, you're skating on thin ice." "You are too," I whispered. Michael scoffed.

"What do you want huh? I heard you want a divorce! You want half? Here!" Michael reached into his wallet and tossed it at my feet. "You can fucking have it!" I grabbed Michael by his wrist. "You know maybe for once you're right!!" I shouted. "Oh am I!" Michael asked. "Yeah. I shouldn't have married an egosticial, controlling, abusing, clingy, sensitive weak man like you! Hell, Jay took better care of me than you do now! At least, he didn't let shit happen to my family!" Michael scoffed. "Bitch please. Who was the one that came crying to me when she got knocked the fuck out?"

"But didn't you get knocked the fuck out by the same man as well?"

Michael froze. "Ooh kill 'em!" I shouted, "so we've all gotten knocked the fuck out by Jay! That ain't nothing new!" "This is pointless. Fighting with you because it's like fighting with some damn slave! No common sense, no house training, no damn respect!" Michael said.

I slapped him across the face. "Don't you dare compare me to a fucking house slave," I barked. "I don't think you'd be good enough to be a house slave," Michael retorted. I took two steps back. No he didn't! "That was low down," I whispered. "So is cheating on me." I gasped. "Is that what's this about?! Me cheating! Michael, I'm sorry. I will get on my fucking knees if I have to." "You've already done that once already."

I glared at him and shook my head. "But you were the one who couldn't bust a nut on the first time!" I shouted. I heard a gasp behind me and turned around. Dana, Solange, and Momma were listening. I turned back to face Michael. "Says the one who doesn't know her ass from her damn head, because her head is stuck up her ass so damn far!"

"Says the one whon can't fucking hold a baby without complaning to me. Says the one who can't survive a night in New York without getting jumped! Says the one who can't fucking go outside without putting tons of makeup on himself! Says the one who has the skin of a cow on cocaine!" I hollered.

Michael froze. His mouth twisting. "You thought I wasn't going to bring that up?" I challenged. Michael put his hands up and stepped back. "Fine," he calmly said, "if that's how it is. Since you fell in love with the one who has the skin of a cow on cocaine. Here." Michael pulled off his wedding and set it on the ground. "You win, Beyonce Knowles." Michael turned around and walked off, not bothering to look back.

I stared at the wedding band on the cement road and picked it up. I turned back around and saw Momma standing there. "What?" I asked, "he got what was coming to him." I walked towards her. She snatched my arm. "That man has been nothing but good to you and sit there and do this. Damn you Beyonce Giselle! I hope you feel as much pain when you push out that baby as you made that man feel just now. For all the times, you've put him down in some form or fashion. I hope, I pray to God above that you get your end of hell."

I pulled myself away from her and continued on. When I walked into the house Dana was on the phone. "Yes sir," she quietly whispered, "Next plane leaving." She hung up and stared at me. "Now this baby will be born without a father."

Dana grabbed her jacket and briefcase and walked out to the car. "Solange, you're on my side right?" I asked, sensing a little guilt. "Fuck that shit," she sang. "I'm on no one's side because both of y'all are wrong, but that shit was harsh though. I'm not gonna even lie. Now my nephew won't have a daddy to welcome him to this world." I glared at her. "You all act like I'm the bad guy! Show me some damn respect Solange!" "Why don't you calm that shit down?" She shot back.

I sat down. "Michael's mad because the fact that you're unfaithful is still in his mind. He's wondering whether or not it's going to happen again?" "But it's not," I said. Solange sighed as she drank her tea. "Why did you do it? I never knew why? Like porque?" I shrugged. "I...don't know. I just wanted that lust to go away." "So you're saying Michael wasn't hitting it?" "He was, but-"

"It doesn't matter because you don't know what the fuck you talking about," Solange retorted. I slumped in my chair. "I honestly knew this was going to happen at some point. I mean have you two heard of personal space? Alone time? Me time? Seriously." I sat up. "Well, what do you suggest then? Since you're the guru of relationships?" "Hey hey! Don't put labels on me that I can't live up to. You should know a thing or two about that."

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