My Name is Beyonce But Mrs. Jackson If You're Nasty

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Beyonce's POV  

I was lying in the bed that morning. Today was my birthday. September fourth....I was twenty now. I glanced over and saw Michael drooling on my arm. I sighed and kissed his forehead softly. I gently stroked his short hair. I glanced at the clock next to him. I was up at three in the morning. Michael stirred in his sleep and held my arm. I grinned. "Oh yeah...twenty years old." 

Later that morning

I arrived back home from a long day at work. I hadn't seen Michael ever since I was up so early. Where was everybody? It was too quiet for me. I frowned as I walked up the stairs to the bedroom. I froze in my place and noticed a single white rose on the bed.

  For your eyes....

I picked it up and turned to my right. There, hanging up on my closet door was a long white Vera Wang wedding dress. I chewed my bottom lip. And turned around. Every door was closed and light was dimmed. I dropped my purse and slipped on the wedding dress. It fit like a glove. I turned around and began walking until my foot stepped on something. I picked up another white rose. 

For the times you stood by me...

I noticed the white and silver wedding shoes placed neatly in front of me. I smiled and put them on. I turned to the vanity and noticed the silver and pearl hair comb on the dresser. I braided my hair and slipped the comb into my bun. I grinned. I look like a bride. I hurriedly rushed down the stairs and stopped at the kitchen.

  For our laughs...

 Four more roses sat on the marble counter. I picked them up and followed the trail of red and white petals out to the pool down the path. I wiped my forehead as the sun began to set. I sighed and noticed the trail was getting thinner. I sighed until I noticed a slip of paper on the ground. 

Where the hills roll and the birds sing. That's where two song birds will finally unite into one. 

"Where the hills roll?" I quoted. The pasture! I quickened my pace and began jogging in my dress. I stopped and stared down at the white rose on the ground. I smiled and picked them up one by one until I paused. I looked up and saw the pasture.  There was a cherry blossom tree in full bloom and standing under was Michael.

I put my hand over my mouth and laughed. I slowed my pace and walked down to him until I saw Dana, Solange, and a priest standing there. "You said six people," Michael whispered. He was in all black. His short hair pulled back out of his eyes. I counted. "There's only three though." "Not exactly." I spun around and cried out. Mommy, Kelly, and Michelle stood there in yellow dresses. "Michael invited us," Mommy whispered. I hugged my mother. She smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Go Bey. Grow up." 

A tear rolled down my cheek. "I love you Mommy," I whispered. Mommy laughed and smoothed my hair. "Go baby. Michael needs you more than I do." I turned around and stared at Michael. He smiled and held out his hand. My mother was holding my other hand. I slowly let go of her hand and grabbed Michael's hand. He smiled sweetly. I glanced back at Kelly and Michelle. Kelly was in tears. "Yo go Bey," she whispered. I laughed and wiped away my tears and turned to face Michael. He smiled and kissed my hand. He handed me the last two flowers.

"A dozen roses for my wife," he whispered. I grinned and placed them with the last ten flowers. A bouquet of white roses. Michael held my hand and glanced at the minister.

"Friends and family. We have gathered here today for the uniting of two song birds. Beyonce Giselle Knowles and Michael Joseph Jackson." I smiled. "Michael wrote his own vows," the priest announced. My jaw dropped. Michael smiled and held my hands.

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