It's Not the Same

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Beyonce's POV

Michael and I watched as the ambulance pulled up to the round driveway of Neverland. We both knew why they were here; Solange was home. "You ready?" Michael whispered. I nodded slowly and set down the blue banket I was clutching. Michael grabbed my hand as we walked down the stairs and to the living room. 

"All right Ms. Knowles," a woman said, "your nurse will be checking on you and making sure you're taking your medication." It was silent. That's when I saw her. Solange in a wheelchair. "You take care Solange," the medic said as she left. "Whatever," Solange whispered. I looked at the gift Michael had in his hand. "Welcome home Solange!" He announced. Solange turned in her wheelchair to face Michael. Her eyes were red and they looked like they had sunken into her skull. "What the hell is this?" Solange asked. 

"A gift," I whispered. Solange stared at me. "I don't want anything. I just want to get in bed. Where's my bedroom now?" The irritation was noticable in every word my sister spoke. "Solange," I whispered as I grabbed the handles of the wheelchair. "Don't fucking touch me! Just don't!" I stepped back. Solange took a deep breath. "I'll do this myself." Solange pushed past me and I watched her struggle to manuver through the house. "Solange," Michael called longingly. Solange just kept going until she found her room on the first floor. She pushed opened the door and we heard it slam with deafening force. 

"What now?" I whispered. 

Michael sighed as he set the little green box down. "We wait," he answered, "give her time to adjust. Then we bring the therapist; physical and mental." "Mental?" I questioned. Michael nodded. "It's effecting her," he replied as he sat on the arm of the couch. "We'll just have to play it by ear." I nodded. "Come on," Michael whispered, "you look tired." Michael held his hand out and led me back up the stairs. I sighed as he sat me down on the bed. Michael grabbed his jacket and his shades. 

"Where are you going?" I asked. 

"Outside. I need to think, but you need sleep. Don't think I haven't noticed you tossing and turning. You're pregnant and you don't want to risk harming baby." I laid down on the bed. "Michael," I called as he headed for the door. "Yes?" "Stay with me," I whispered. I stared down at hands as I stroked the sheets. I heard Michael toss the jacket to the chair and tossed his shades off. He slowly climbed into bed with me. 

I smiled weakly as I wrapped my arm around his slender waist. Michael's body pulsed so much heat through me. Michael sat up as he hugged me. "Are you having a baby shower like last time?" Michael whispered. His soft tone, made my eyes droop slightly. "No, not this time." Michael nodded. I listened to the tender beat of his heart. "Michael?" 


"Thank you," I whispeed. 

"For what?" Michael asked. I shrugged as I yawned. "For just being Michael." 

I turned on my back as I heard someone hum. I grunted softly. "Bey." "Beyyy." A warm hand rubbed my shoulder. "Hmm?" "Wake up baby, it's time for dinner." I slowly opened my eyes and saw Michael leaning over me. His hair fell over his shoulder perfectly and his milk chocolate eyes were so smooth and inviting. "You look so calm?" I whispered. Michael nodded. "It's just my peace of mind." Michael helped me up. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I saw the twins playing on the floor. I smiled. "Come on kids," Michael announced. Prince stood up with his pacifier in his mouth. I smiled as he grabbed my hand. Princess grabbed Michael's hand and we walked downstairs to dinner. When we got to the dining room, Julie was preparing dinner on a tray. 

"Who's that for?" I asked. 

"Solange," Julie answered, "she wishes to eat in her room." I sighed as Julie handed the tray to another maid. "I got it." The maid blinked as she handed me the tray. Michael cleared his throat. "Space," he said slowly. "I am giving her space," I replied. He shook his head. I walked down the hall to Solange's room. I heard loud rap playing through the door. 

I Am...Yours  (MJ & Beyonce Love Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin