Remember the Deja Vu

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Beyonce's POV

"Baby seems like everywhere I go I see you..." I began humming to myself. I had to write that down somewhere. I grabbed a sheet of paper and began writing. "Seems like everywhere I go I see you....I remenice don't want to..."

I laughed to myself as I began creating something. "Bey?" I turned around. Michael was looking at me funny. "Waht's going on?" I shook my head. "Ideas...songs...lyrics. Oh my goodness, can you leave me alone for a second, baby?" Michael nodded. "If you need me just holler," he said as he walked out. I nodded. "Boy I try to catch myself, but I'm not in control..." I sat down at the desk and wrote until I couldn't write anymore.

I stared at the sheet in front of me. My handwriting was horrible but it sounded like a good song. I stood up and headed to the recording studio in the basement. I sat down and began laying down the tracks. I could hear the bass bumping. "Deja I swear it's deja vu." I bobbed my head to the music in my mind. "I'm slick liking this." I locked the door and began recording a demo. "Your sexiness is so appealing I can't let it go!" I sang too myself. I smiled as I began writing my own song. This was about to be a hit!

Michael's POV

Beyonce came out the studio with the widest grin on her face. "Having fun?" She nodded and hugged me hard. "This is going to be the bomb!" I smiled. "Can I hear?" Bey paused and shook her head. "Secret surprise my dear King of Pop." I sighed and rolled my eyes. Bey sat down at the table and smiled. "Well, when will I hear it?" She shrugged. "Probably when I present it to Kelly and Michelle." I nodded as I grabbed a bowl of cereal. "Oh damn!" Bey hissed. She shot up and grabbed her purse. "I just remembered I had to go talk to our manager about our album release. Bye Michael" Bey kissed my cheek and dashed out the house. "Bye," I said flatly.

I sat at my computer and checked my email. I had so many unread messages, but from some unknown account. I read the name and froze. MJismine29. I frowned as I began opening the emails. The sigh before my eyes scared me. Pictures of somone's arm. My name is carved into the pale skin. I put my hand over my mouth and trembled. How did it who I think it is? I went through each email, all of them with pictures except for one.

I clicked the icon and read the letter.


I called you. I texted you. I emailed you. Why don't you answer me anymore? Don't you love me? Don't you care for me? You told me you'd never stop loving me! How come it seems like you have? You're avoiding me Michael, I don't like being avoided! You know that! Please Michael answer me! Please...I need help...I need you Michael...please please please....if you love me you'd answer to me. Please!!! I'm begging you! Michael...I miss I still yours? Do I still make the way you feel?

I chewed my bottom lip in horror and panic. I quickly typed my response.

I'm done with you.

I pressed send and slammed my laptop closed. "Dana!" I hollered. Dana dashed into my office just seconds after. "What's wrong?" "Have you contacted anyone from my past?" I asked in fear. Dana's brow knitted together in confusion. "What do you mean?" "My past girlfriends! Tatum, Brooke, Lisa!" I hollered. Dana's eyes were wide in shock. "Calm down Michael. What's happening?" I shook my head. "Just answer the question," I whispered. Dana sat down in front of me and shook her head. "Brooke called and asked if her and her sister could come see a show, but that's it." I bit my lip. "Whatever happened to Thumbtzen?" I asked softly.

"She got kicked off for kissing you on stage."

I groaned and put my head in my hands. "Take care of it Dana. Now." I stood up and walked out to the pool. "" I sputtered to myself. I couldn't wrap my head around this. Who was this girl who kept harrassing me? I couldn't let Beyonce find out. She'd lose her damn mind. I grumbled and sat down at the edge. "Who is this girl?"

I Am...Yours  (MJ & Beyonce Love Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant