A Place With No Name

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Michael's POV

I wrapped up the kids's presents as I sat in the kitchen. I drank my scotch and listened to the radio as I struggled. "Got dammit!" I hissed. I pushed the doll house box back and sighed. "Michael?" Dana asked. I turned around and glanced at her. "How may I help you?"? I asked as I stuffed the dollhouse into a bag filled with tissue paper. "What are you even doing?" I sighed. "I'm wrapping presents." Dana sighed as she sat down next to me. "Michael." She grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "You need to rest." I frowned. "I'm fine." "You think you are," she answered. 

I sighed. "I want my kids back, but that's not going to happen. So I've decided to man up and go somewhere I didn't think I would go back to." Dana's eyes had concerned pouring out of them as I stated this. "I'm spending Christmas and New Years' with the kids in Texas." Dana's eyes widened. "Michael, don't you think it's really soon to be." "They're my kids as well. I want to spend time with them and that's final." I pushed the gifts back and crossed my arms. "And if you don't like it; you can find yourslef unemployed this Christmas." 

My temper was waning by the moment. I no longer had the everlasting patience I was once burdened with. I was blunt and to the point with everything. Dana sighed. "Alright, I'll tell Doc." I nodded as I stood up to put the gifts away. Lisa was laying in the bed with the covers tangled around her slender body. "Can I put these gifts in your room?"? I asked as I stuff them in the closet. Lisa shrugged. "Leave me alone. I'm tryna sleep till noon." I chuckled. "Good luck with that." 

Christmas Eve was in two weeks, which meant I had to at least be in Houston by tomorrow evening. I sighed. "Can I start packing?" I loudly asked. "Sure! The next flight to Houston is tomorrow." I nodded. I took my things out of my closet and put them into my suitcase. I laid out my traveling clothes and sighed. "I'm gonna cut my hair," I whispered to myself. I grabbed the kitchen scissors and looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. 

My hair was touching my shoulders and would keep getting longer until I had the 'unemployed look'. I grabbed a lock of my hair and just chopped. I did it again to my left side until my hair was just past my ears. I tossed the scissors to the side and sighed. "Sure, this is new." I walked back into my room. That's when I began to have an ephiany. 

Why am I even doing this to myself? Why am I letting Beyonce take me to this uncertain destination? I don't even know where I'm going. I'm the man in our family, and I don't know where to take my family next. Nothing seems to be right at this point in life. Even if we did divorce, my love for her would only deepen with her not there at my side. This place with false love and happiness. If I could reverse the hands of time to redo everything, I would in a heart beat, but God doesn't give us that certain power. 

I wish my unborn son could be in my arms every second of the day, but with a divorce in his way, he'll have visit days, but it wouldn't be the same. It just wouldn't. This place is where no one wants to go to, but I've brought everyone that I've met in the past two years with me and I can't let them turn around. I took them to a place I can't even name.

A place with no name...

Beyonce's POV

I did my Lamaze breathing early in the morning just in case today was the day. I didn't feel bad at all, but that didn't mean this baby wasn't coming sooner or later. I quietly took another deep breath before I heard Doc's phone go off. I looked around and saw Doc nowhere to be found. I took a step to the table and saw the caller I.D. 

Michael J. 

I looked around and waited until the call wasn't answered. I waited a little longer before a new voicemail popped up. Just when I was about to grab the phone, Doc came in and looked at it. "I need to take this. 

I Am...Yours  (MJ & Beyonce Love Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant