The Unacceptables

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Beyonce's POV

"Michael, what are you trying to show me!?" Michael shushed me. "It's a surprise," he replied. I heard his muffled giggles. Michael had me blindfolded and was leading me somewhere in the house. I huffed in frustration. "Michael," I said through clenched teeth. "We're here!" I let out a sigh. "Wait!" Michael exclaimed. "Don't take it off yet," he whispered. I felt his hand touch the small of my back and push me a little. I could feel my belly twist with butterflies and twins. "Ready?" Michael whispered. I nodded eagerly. "Take it off." I snatched the blindfold off and took in the site before me.

"Michael...did you?"

He nodded shyly. I could see his cheeks turn a bright red in embarassment. "Dana and Janet helped." I looked around the nursery in awe. It was decorated with floral arrangments and bright colors. The French doors were painted white and had a gorgeous view of the park behind us. The baby cribs were painted white too. Everything looked like something out of a fairytale. I turned to face Michael. He grinned. "I wanted it to be your paradise," he said softly. I held my arms out; waiting for a hug. Michael laughed and hugged me. I nestled my head into his chest. "I love you Michael Jackson." "I love you Beyonce Knowles."

I was in the final three weeks of my pregnancy. I was now on baby delivery mode. Michael and I already had a route planned out if my water broke at Neverland, but we also had the intentions to stay in the hospital a few days earlier. I watched as Michael packed some clothes into a bag. He tossed in his books, magazines, and other random things to keep himself occupied. I smirked and walked up to him. "You're preparing for war sir?" Michael paused and rolled his eyes at me.

"Ma'am, I'm not taking any chances with you and those Appleheads inside of you." I laughed and sat on the bed. "I feel really good though," I admitted in a shocked tone. Usually, I was tired and bloated and in a snippy mood. "That's nice. Maybe, your'e getting back to your old self, but with a new addition." I nodded as Michael handed the bag to one of the security guards and sat on the bed.

"You ready for this?" I asked. Michael nodded. "You?" I shrugged. I was scared beyond scared. I was worried about the pain, the contractions, how my body would handle all that. How Michael would handle all that. Breastfeeding...everything made me scared now! Michael could see my inner anxiety attack.

"Stop worrying. It's bad for our babies." Michael took my hand in his and kissed it softly. "Besides, I'm going to love your post baby body." I frowned in confusion. "Why do you say that?" "You'll see," Michael replied slyly. I rolled my eyes and stood up. "You're just horny and nasty," I replied.

Michael nodded. "That sums up my mood right now." He bit his bottom lip at me. I scoffed. "You're gross," I said as I walked out the bedroom. "Ms. Knowles!!" Someone called. I groaned. "Yes?" "Somebody is here to see you!" I glanced back at Michael, who shrugged his shoulders. I looked down the stairs in suspicion. "I'm coming," I replied. I made my way down the stairs and stopped.

"Mommy? Daddy?"

My parents were sitting on the couch; taking in the living room. Solange and Dana were talking loudly by the window. I caught eye contact with Solange and glared at her. My mother stood up. "Oh my God, Bey!" She smiled as she smoothed out my hair and kissed me. I smiled sheepishly. "Hi," I croaked. My father stared at my belly for the longest time. "Matthew," my mother hissed, "say hello to your daughter. Haven't seen her in just about a year."

"Beyonce," My father said calmly. I waved. "Hi Daddy." Mommy glanced at my belly. "Well, we're just going to pretend like that belly isn't there." I glanced down and smiled. "Solange, I'm going to hurt you," I informed her loudly. Solange gaped. "Nooooo!!!!" I sighed. "I'm pregnant, as you can see," I replied. My father wasn't exactly pleased with me. "And let me guess," he replied, "this wack job who lives here is the father"

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