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Lisa's POV

I found myself back at Neverland, no longer in that ugly, itchy prison blue uniform. Michael had me back in the finest of outfits. I was dressed back in my Italian silk with my Prada shoes on and my make-up perfectly done. I kinda missed Michael, but I wasn't going to make a move knowing Bey was here and pregnant. I knew my boundaries. When we walked in the house, two kids came running down the stairs. "Daddy!!" I watched as Michael knelt down and hugged his children. That's when the girl saw me and she tapped her Daddy's shoulder. Michael turned around. 

"Princess, Prince. This is Ms. Lisa.  She's going to be staying with us for a while." 

I smiled. "Hi," I said. Prince waved, but Princess just held her Dad. I nodded. "It's ok." Bey cleared her throat. "I'm staying at the hospital with Solange." "Tete?" Princess asked. Bey and Michael exchanged worried glances. "Tete's sick Princess," Michael said softly. Princess coughed. "Sick?" Michael nodded. "Yeah baby. She's coughing a lot. C'mon, let's go get you two some lunch." Prince was still sitting on the floor. 

"Prince Michael!" Michael called over his shoulder. His son scrambled up and followed his Daddy. I smiled. "They're beautiful," I whispered to Bey. She nodded. "They're our everything." I nodded and sat down. Looks like some things changed since I left. Beyonce was packing up her things to stay at the hospital. I sighed and saw Michael's head cook, Julie. She froze. 

"Mrs. Jackson?" 


Bey came back with her duffel bag packed. "Uh...." "Oh Julie it's fine. Lisa's our guest. You should prepare the guest room for her too." My eyebrows rose. "I get to stay here?" Bey nodded. "Of course. You know something so we need you close." I nodded and sat back on the couch. Michael came down stairs. "Are you going to be ok, hon?" He asked his wife. 

I watched as Bey nodded and whispered something softly. Michael chuckled and placed each hand on Beyonce's face. I knew what he was about to do. I sighed silently as their lips touched. He never changed. I smirked as Bey put her hands on Michael's hand and mouthed something. They slowly stepped back from each other, but Michael still held on to Bey's hand. "Well, I'm heading back," she huffed. 

"Have you eaten?" I asked. I was genuinely concerned, but not about Bey more about Michael. Because if anything happened to Bey....he'd go to a spiral of depression. "I ate earlier," Bey answered after a moment of shock. I nodded. "You might need to eat again." Bey nodded. Michael leaned in and kissed her ear. "Be safe," he said. Bey nodded. "I'll call you." Michael sighed and walked Beyonce out to the other armoured car. 

Michael came back and sighed. "Dana!" He hollered. I jumped. Jeez, that man knew how to raise his voice. I turned around. "So...." Michael looked down at me. "Yes Michael?" "Have you called the LAPD?" Dana nodded. "They're sending two detectives out here at four." Michael looked at his Rolex watch. "All right. Lisa, are you hungry?" I nodded. "Julie!" Michael hollered even louder. I groaned

Julie walked out of the kitchen. "Yes sir?" "Make Lisa the deep dish pizza she likes." My eyes bucked in surprise. "And for you Mr. Jackson?" Julie asked. "Bring the bottle of brandy to my office," Michael whispered. I could see the wrinkles trying develope in his face. He was only thirty-three, or thirty-two.... I sighed and began to watch TV. "This is going to be a loooong ride, Lisa," I whispered to myself. 

Michael's POV

I drank my third glass of brandy as I typed on the computer. I was researching more about Roc Nation. Everything about my attack a year ago came back. Roc Nation.....a record label Jay-Z owned. His best friend was Kanye West, and them together was the group of Watch the Throne. I rubbed my bottom lip with my index finger. "Michael?" 

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