For All Time

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Michael's POV

I sat down at the dining table in the hotel room and began working. My phone was buzzing like mad! I snatched up the phone and looked through my messages. I froze. "Dear God no," I whispered. How did she find me?! I looked around and made sure Beyonce wasn't anywhere around to here this. I read the messages. "Noooo...." I whispered in agony. I put my head in my hands. "Delete and move on." I cleared my whole inbox and blocked that number. Never again....never again....

I kept a close eye on my phone to make sure no more weird texts came through. Beyonce and I sat on the rooftop of the hotel eating breakfast. "How was your night?" She asked me. I forced a smile on my face. "Wonderful...I was by you the whole time. And how was yours?" "Splendid...I hope we never have to split up again." Bey shot me a dirty look. She wiggled her eyebrows in response. I laughed at her. "You're two kinds of special," I teased. Bey laughed and shrugged. "I got it from Kelly," she replied. My smile grew as Bey smiled herself. Gosh, will I ever get enough of this woman? 

"What would you like to do today?" Bey asked. "We have rehearsal," I informed her. Bey groaned and stomped her foot in protest. "Michaeeelllllllll," she whined. I shook my head. "You might as well get over it. We have to get going now anyways." Bey pouted but stopped. "Fine!" She shot up and headed towards the door. "She's only eighteen," I reminded myself. I followed towards the door and to the elevator. 

Dana was already at the lobby waiting on us. I sighed as Beyonce and I stood on the opposite side of the elevator. "I don't wanna go," Bey announced. "I don't either," I replied. Bey sighed. "Can we skip?" "No." "Why?" She asked. "Beyonce....I can't miss rehearsal and neither can you." Bey nodded. "True, you do have a point on that." I smirked. "Don't I always?" I whispered. Bey reached over and pinched my arm. I hissed in reply. "Heard that." I stuck my tongue out as I put on my shades. "Beyonce," I called. She turned to face me. "Let's not overwhelm everybody yet..ok? They don't know that we're together..." 

She nodded. "That's fine. I understand. Don't wanna scare the shit out of anybody yet." I nodded, before we had to act like just friends in pulbic, I pulled Beyonce into my arms and placed my lips on hers. She gasped but froze in place. Her hand sliding up my side to my neck then my hair. Her fingers curled around my hair and tugged gently. Her tongue gliding into my mouth with such ease. I could taste her. The sweet taste of love and passion... She pulled my hair harder, making me erect down there. My body purred and made me release a soft groan in response. I pushed her to the wall and pinned her down. Bey moaned. "Michael.....stop."  We heard the elevator ding. I pushed her away to the other side and fixed myself with ease. 

I glanced at Beyonce, who was still hot and messy. Her makeup was smeared across her face and her eyes were wide. "Damn," she whispered. I smirked. Don't let my sensitivy fool you.... I tucked my hair back into a ponytail and put on my fedora. The doors opened. Dana stood there in annoyance. "Come on you two! We're late as hell!" She hissed. I smiled and looked down. Dana grabbed our hands and led us two the car.

"What took you two so long?" Dana asked. She was jotting down notes and other important things. "We had breakfast on the rooftop," I replied. Bey didn't utter a word every since our kiss. I guess that kept her quiet. I glanced at Bey, who's jaw was wide open. I leaned over and whispered in her ear, "You should close your mouth, before flies get in." I put my finger under her chin and shut her mouth closed. She glanced at me. "Whoa," she whispered. I smiled. "You didn't think I was like that did you?" Bey shook her head slowly. I chuckled softly. 

"There's a lot of things you have yet to learn about me," I whispered. 

I sat back and put my headphones over my ears. Stevie Wonder played through my head. Yep...she has no earthly idea... 

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