Cry Together

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Beyonce's POV

Michael and I were relaxing in the bed. I didn't know whether or not to tell Michael about what I heard between Dana and Solange, and I really didn't want to tell him about my doubts right now. Michael sighed and held my hand. "You still love me?" I nodded, not uttering a word. Michael frowned and sat up. "Why don't you look me in the eyes anymore? Have I done something wrong?" I shook my head and grabbed Michael's hand again. "Nothing...I'm just scared out of my mind right now." As I stared at Michael, I noticed the little holes on his right arm. "Michael what happened here?" I whispered. I reached out to touch his arm, but before my fingertips could even brush against his skin, he slapped my hand back.

I froze and stared at Michael. He began to sweat suddenly. He shakily sat back. "It's nothing...Doctor Reese had to give me some test me. That's all...and they kind of hurt. I'm sorry," Michael whispered. I nodded slowly and noticed that Michael didn't look as healthy as usual. Michael sighed and buried his face into my lap. "Please...please don't be mad at me Beyonce. I just...I just..." I shushed Michael and rocked him softly. "It's fine baby. Shh..." Michael clutched me tightly and cried into my robe. "I don't know what to do Bey," he whispered,"it seems like everyone wants to hurt us." I nodded. "We're going to pull through OK?" Michael shook his head.

"I can't protect you...I gotta...I gotta..."

Michael's fear, anger, and anxiety was getting the best of him. He began to shake violent in my arms. "Michael?" "Michael!!" He continued to shake, ignoring my pleas to stop. "You're scaring me!" I exclaimed. Michael wasn't listening. Something's wrong!!  "Dana!!!!" I hollered out. "Dana!!!" She ran into the bedroom and gasped. 

"Oh God..not again."

"What this has happened before!!"

Dana whimpered as she grabbed Michael and held him up. The whites in his eyes were visible. "Oh God..he's having a panic attack....JULIA!!!!" Dana ushered me out the bed and ran to the bathroom. Michael's shaking scared me out of my mind. His chest was heaving up and down and he was grabbing his hair in pain. Julia ran in with something in her hand and Dana came back in too.

Michael was stuck in one spot. "Michael!! Michael!!" Dana hollered. She grabbed him by his shoulders and groaned. "He's out there....where's Doctor Reese!! Isn't she here today!!"

Doc was here...she was here for the twins earlier. Doc ran in with her medical bag.

"Get Bey out of here! NOW!!!"

Julia grabbed me and pulled me out into the hallway. "No Julia I have to be in there!!" She shook her head. "Please Mrs. Jackson close your eyes and cover your ears! Please, this isn't meant for you to see." "Julia, we need your help!" Dana hollered. Jose came out of nowhere and grabbed me. He held me by my waist and pulled me away from the bedroom.

"No, I have to be in there!!!" I cried out.

Jose shook his head. "Please Mrs. Jackson, don't!" Jose picked me up and put me on his shoulder. I pounded his back. "No let me go!!" I watched as he walked downstairs and out the house to the pool. I punched him in the jaw as soon as he set me down. "Dammit, why'd you do that?! That's my husband in there!!" Jose didn't care. I sighed and sat on the edge of the pool. The house was silent until I heard one loud, ear-piercing, blood-hurdling scream.

I shot up. "MICHAEL!!!" I ran in the house as fast as I could, because Jose was right behind me. I ran right into Doc. Her eyes were wide and watery..... She smoothed her hair and clothes out. "You can't see him for a few days....he needs to rest." Doc Reese darted past me and I when she left I saw Michael in the bed. His arms were strapped to the bed post and so were his legs.

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