Chapter 1. (Guest 666's backstory)

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Third person
(Guest is six years old right now)

Guest had a nice family.

They laughed, played and always helped guest when something was wrong. For guest 666, they were the best parents he could ever think of. But, things wouldn't always stay like that...

It was guest 666's sixth birthday and he was very excited! He was talking all the time about it, and he was so happy that he could spend the whole day having fun and playing with new stuff, eating yummy stuff and what you'd all do during a childs sixth's birthday.

*Guest 666's POV*

„Guesty!! Common, wake up! It's your birthday~", said mom. I immediately got up and hugged my mom tightly. Dad came into my room aswell „Happy birthday, guesty! Don't you wanna come downstairs with us? I'm sure you'll love what we prepared for you!" I was so overwhelmed by feelings of happiness, that I just nodded and sprinted downstairs. Mom chuckled and followed me slowly, dad came too.
I was amazed by how unbelievable beautiful the cake looked. There were also some gifts, not too many tho, since our family isn't the richest. But it was still perfect for me, I didn't care about how many gifts I got, I only cared about what mom and dad would all do with me today. „Moom! That cake looks so cool! Thank you sooo much!" I also thanked my dad, of course.

*Third person*

The day was absolutely wonderful for guest 666. It was even better than he could have even imagined! „Goodnight, sweetie.", said his mom and gave him a goodnight kiss. „Goodnight, mom!!", Guest told his mother, still really excited. His mother left the room and almost closed the door, but made it so that there could still shine some light through. Guest heard his moms footsteps disappearing a few moments later. He couldn't sleep though. He was still so happy and thought of everything that happened that day. A few hours passed, and he was still unable to sleep. He was sure that his parents were already sleeping and he didn't want to disturb them. So he just laid there, hoping that he would fall asleep soon.

But then he heard something.
A loud noise, he could also hear that the door has opened.
Footsteps, definitely not the ones from his parents.

He was scared.

Really scared

The footsteps were going towards the bedroom from his parents. They violently opened the door.

*Guest 666's POV*

I heard something metallic, laughter, screaming and then-


After a few moments, the silence broke and someone said „Good job, dude. Don't ya think they had a kid too though? I'd really wanna kill it",
Please don't say they.... killed-

„Nah, bro we want them to suffer as much as possible, right?", the other person answered. „Yeah, but why not kill the kid too then?"

„You don't understand, bro. If a child looses their parents, it's basically the worst thing that could possibly happen to them. Waking up, searching for their parents just to find a dead body and loads of blood. Being traumatized for the rest of their life, getting depression at a young age, getting into an orphanage, getting anxiety because if that, it's all much worse, y'know. It ruins the childs whole life."


I don't want that!!

My parents are still here, right?!?

That's all just a sick joke, right?!?

They... killed my parents...

Why did they do that

I don't understand

My parents did nothing w- W rOnG aNd sTilL

ThAt's WhAt ThEy GeT fRoM tHaT

ThEsE pEoPle ShOuLd JuSt-

What is happening to me...

My mind- what- iS tHaT.

HelP me...

„B-Breath, guest, breath. I-It's all going to be alright. I just have to keep a clear head, then I can help my parents and they'll go back to normal.", I whispered to myself, shaking.

The people left the house and drove back from where they came from. I stood up, still shaking. I slowly walked to my parents bedroom, not sure what to expect. I opened the door and turned the light on.

Not a good idea

My parents dead bodys just laid there. A knife laid right next to them. Blood was seeking through the carpet and painted it red. I cried. I just....


Why did they do this...?

I really don't uNdErstaNd.

nO, nOt AgAiN.

WhAt i-i-is ThIs.

YoU jUsT nEeD to BrEaThe. Breathe, guest, relax. Don't let, whatever this is, posses you.

I looked at the mirror at the other side of the room, and-

My eyes,

Were red.

My skin,

Was pitch black.

Slowly but surely, as I slightly calmed down, I looked normal again. „W-weird..."


Hello, guys! Yeah. As i said it's gonna be really angsty at the beginning. But after that is gone y'all are gonna have some fluff! (I love fluff sooo much I-)
So, uh. Yeah. Thanks for reading!!

832 words

✔️ Noob x guest/ angst and fluff/ „Possessed"Where stories live. Discover now