Chapter 7.

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*at the party*
*Guest666's POV*

„Look, guest!! It isn't bad at all!", said noob excited. I was really stressed out and was breathing really fast. I felt like everyone was looking at me, it creeped me out.

It's just my anxiety.

„Y-Yeah... It isn't... Until now at least..."
Noob looked worried again.
„Is something wrong?? You don't look good right now, guest..." I knew I didn't look good, how could I? I suddenly remembered something though.

I never told noob about my anxiety...!

Ughh, I was so stupid. If I told him that sooner, we weren't here now. But my anxiety isn't that bad, there are people who have way worse anxiety than I do. And I mean, wayyy worse.

Quick note here, I didn't really know much about social anxiety as I wrote the first chapters. Now that I googled it, I described a lot things wrong and guest has almost none of the symptoms. That's why he's saying now stuff like „My anxiety isn't as bad as the from other people", because I made a lot mistakes in the first chapters. If anyone of you has social anxiety, you probably already noticed that he isn't acting like he has it. I'm sorry about that, I should've googled it earlier. I just thought I knew everything, but boiii was I wrong.
He's probably gonna act a bit different now.

„S-So, noob... I kinda have social a-anxiety... Just a bit though, it's not as bad as from o-other people... That's w-why I'm so weird right now... I-I'm sorry...", he looked really shocked.
„Why didn't you tell me??! Oh god, it's gotta be like hell for you right now, let's go.", I really did not expect that to happen now. He really wants to go now? But he said he never was invited in a party before and that he really wants to go to one.
„Y-You don't have to do that, noob! We can stay h-here!"
„No, not if you have anxiety and don't have any fun here.", even though I didn't want to ruin noobs day now, I really wanted to go, and also because of my bad feelings and the warning.
„Okay...", he sadly smiled at me. Looks like he really wanted to be here...
„Y-You can stay if you want!! You don't have to go too because of me!"
„Nah, it isn't fun alone.", I kinda understood that... I was his only friend, he would just stand there and not talk to anyone probably...
I just nodded and looked down.
„I'm sorry, noob."
„It's okay. The party sucks so or so.", he chuckled a bit, but still looked kinda sad.
We were about to leave, as the girl who invited us appeared in front of us.
„Heyheyhey!! Y'all can't go now, especially not you two! The fun didn't even start yet!", she smiled bittersweetly and I wanted to go so badly. She was just creepy, I didn't know why.
„Yeah~ You two should stay. I wanna talk to both of you aswell real quick.", the bully said. So many people were speaking about us, and many looked over to us. The bad music was hurting my ears and I started to sweat. That was definitely too much...

Noob looked kind of scared.
„You're n-not tricking me again! You don't wanna just talk, right??!!", noob was right.

They definitely wanted to hurt us, especially noob.

„Oopsie, guess that good old trick won't work again~", he said, in a bittersweet voice and a creepy grin. Meanwhile, everyone was drunk and danced around, not aware of their surroundings... They wouldn't be much help...

Suddenly, the bully hit noobs head with a baseball bat so hard, that it immediately started to bleed. I was shocked, really shocked...
„H-Hey, noob!! Pl-Please say y-y-you're okay...!!!", I stuttered. He hold his head and looked like he could fall over every second...
He didn't answer...
I ran up to him and helped him to keep on standing. I felt how I was already getting slightly possessed...

That was all way too much for me...

„Hey! Guys! Ya wanna help us getting rid of them?"

He wouldn't-

He's asking the drunk people to help him kill us?? That's stupid but at the same time kinda genius...

Suddenly, he got out a knife from the kitchen.
My heart felt like it was about to explode and my brain told me to fucking run away already. But I couldn't, the friends from the bully were blocking the door.

„P-Please, don't do anything now... We-We can just talk about this...!!!"

He smiled at me.

„No, we can't."

He ran up to me, pushed noob away and stabbed me right into the chest. I fell over and laid on the floor. My whole body hurt and I could feel my blood seeking out of my body...



How I-I'm g-g-gonna die...?

Wha-What about noob...?? He can't just die here aswell...






The last thing I saw were the other people from the party joining the bully and running up to noob.

„Guests truly are weak~"

Were the last words I heard...


Is guest gonna die, or will he survive?! You'll find out in the next chapter!

*cough cough*

Yeah, sorry I'm bad at stuff like this. This chapter feels again, kinda rushed. Idk why. I'm also sorry for more angst, y'all probably are only here for the fluff, but idk maybe you like angst. And I also wanna apologize again for the social anxiety stuff. I'm not really good at describing feelings, that's why it's so weird. But I really tried. Anyways, thanks for reading, I hope I'll see you again in the next chapter!

✔️ Noob x guest/ angst and fluff/ „Possessed"Where stories live. Discover now