Oof again

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I'm sorry for not updating again, but I didn't forget about this book. It's just that... If I'm being honest, it has a lot of plot holes. I'm also still not entirely sure how it will continue, and if I'd always just start writing without knowing what happens next, it will get even worse.

That doesn't mean that I'll end this book here though. I will just take a little break to figure some stuff out and then I'll continue writing. One or two days ago as an example, I tried to write the next chapter. But I didn't even know how Acorn and Noob are supposed to find Guest .-. That type of plot holes.

I don't know how long this break will take, but I just hope it isn't too long.

Again, I'm sorry but I don't wanna write now, that the important part starts, some absolute trash because I'm running low on ideas.

I hope you understand, goodbye for now!

I wrote the plot for chapter 17 and 18 now, gotta write the plot for, idk maybe four other chapters and then I'll be able to continue writing the actual chapters. I'll probably update again in a few days, so don't worry^^

*another update*
I wrote the rest of the plot now, it will have 20 chapters, probably. Maybe 21. Anyways, I'll update tomorrow again probably :D And, uhm yeah, it'll be a bit shorter than I thought it'd be.

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