Chapter 16.

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*Noob's POV*

I didn't understand what was going on...

A few minutes earlier, everyone was happy and we talked about stuff, not having to worry about anything...

But now...

Lavender was gone and Guest... Got possessed again...

I started to sob again at the thought of Lavender. She wasn't really gone now, right?!

That's all just a sick joke, right?!

Acorn looked frozen at Guest, who looked back at her for a moment. I knew what he was going to do...

I ran up to him but he quickly teleported away.

He left me again...

I fell on the floor and looked up to Acorn, my last friends that was left for now.

„N-Noob, what's going on??! W-What happened to Lavender, and... What happened to Guest?? He didn't even look like himself anymore! And how did he teleport away?? Just... Please tell me that Lavender is going to come back."

I looked at her with a sad face. I didn't understand what was going on either, but it looked like Lavender got deleted...

„I-I don't k-know if she w-will come back... It l-looked like she got d-d-deleted... But I d-don't know by who or what! I'm as confused as you are..."

Acorn fell on the knees and started to sob. I felt really sorry for her, and I couldn't really believe it either... Our best friend just got deleted, and my boyfriend turned into a murderer again.

I slowly got up and walked up to her, and sat down beside her, trying to comfort her, even though I was just as sad and shocked.

„L-Listen, Acorn. I don't exactly know what happened to Lavender, but I do know what happened to Guest."

„W-Wait... You knew about this before?"

I nodded.

„Yeah... I will just tell you the whole story. Guests parents got killed by some anti-guest people, as he was just six years old. They didn't kill him, and left the house. That was the time, when Guest got slightly possessed for the first time."

„What do you mean, possessed?"

„When Guest gets really, really upset, something starts to try to possess him. It even talks to him in some situations. Anyways, let's continue the story.. Guest and I became best friends, and even started to fall in love with each other. But we both got bullied a lot. Especially me. Guest always protected me in situations like this. One time, we got invited to a party, which turned out to be a trap. They wanted to kill both of us. They almost killed Guest, but that's when he got fully possessed for the first time."

Acorn looked at me in shock and gulped.

„He started to kill countless bullies, he was the murderer everyone was talking about."

„Y-You are really trying to tell me, that our cute, shy Guest was a murderer?"

„Yes, but it wasn't his fault! He got possessed after all. Anyways, I tried to find him, and eventually we met again on the roof another day. He wanted to teleport away, and the only thing that came to my mind to stop him from that was to... Uh... Kiss him. Probably because I was the only person that was really important to him, he turned back to normal. Because I was the only person he didn't hate in some way."

She was still shocked, but also looked pretty sad.

„W-We need to go find him! You can probably turn him back to normal, and maybe he even knows how we could get L-Lavender back! I... Miss her already..."

„I do too... Let's go, we need to look through the whole town probably, I don't know where he could be."

She nodded and we walked the stairs down the roof and talked about where he could maybe be.


It's another short chapter, yayy. Anyways, I dunno how to feel with this one... It's kinda crappy, but again, I can't exactly tell why. If you have any suggestions, tips or found mistakes or plot-holes, please let me know! It really helps.

Anyways, thx for reading, byee!

698 words

✔️ Noob x guest/ angst and fluff/ „Possessed"Where stories live. Discover now