Chapter 12

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*Guest 666's POV*

„Noob, I'm home!!", I heard someone shouting, and my heart skipped a beat. That's gotta be noobs mom...! Noob quickly stood up and we looked at the clock. It was 22:03.
„Puh...", he sighed of relief.
„I'm here, mom!"

I was still sitting on the couch as she got into the living room. I was sweating and my heart was racing. I wasn't prepared to get kicked out from here yet! She looked at me for a moment, then she turned around to noob.

„Who is that, noob?"

„U-Uhm... He's just my... Bo- I mean f-friend. N-Nothing more!!"

These words kinda hurt, but I knew he didn't mean it. I gulped.

„Is that so?"

„Y-Yeah... M-My name is guest 666."

„And what are you doing here at 22:03?? You gotta go home. I'm sorry if I'm being disrespectful to you, but it's late and you have to go home now."

Oh god....

Oh god oh god oh god

I don't wanna get back there...!

They're probably gonna kill me or something!

How are we gonna tell her that I wanted to stay here...?

„Well actually..."

Noob looked away and his mom got curious.

„What actually?"

„You know that orphanage, right? That you visited once?"

She nodded, looking a bit stressed out.
Maybe she had a hard day of work? Probably, noob always says that she isn't home all the time.

„And he's from there- so uh- he..."

We needed a lie, right now! Maybe I ran away? Or... They kicked me out? That's something they'd do. Let's just say...

„So I went to visit noob, even though I wasn't allowed to, and they got angry and- uh, kicked me out."

Was that believable?
But what if she's gonna ask them?
Well, now there's no going back, I already fucked up.

„And now you wanna stay here?"

I gulped and my heartbeat got even faster.

„Yes, mom. Please, that orphanage is crappy, can we pleeeease let him stay here??"

She sighed and nodded.

„Whatever. I don't really care. I just don't want that anyone needs to go back to that place."

I sighed of relief.

„Thank you, it really means a lot to me."

I somehow managed to say without stuttering.

„I'm just gonna sleep now, it was a hard day of work and I'm basically dead inside. Goodnight boys."


We both said. As she left the room, I high-fived noob and we hugged again.

„I'm so glad it worked, noob."

„Me too. I'm tired as well, can we go to bed now?"

He yawned cutely and I felt my face heat up a bit. He's just cute, let's be honest.

I nodded.

„Should I sleep in the spare room...? Cuz, your mom could maybe find out about our relationship if I sleep in your bed again."

„Nah, that's not a problem. She will stand up two hours before us and leave the house."

„Okay then."

I smiled slightly and we went to his room, turned the light out and got into his bed. I was blushing again, but let's be honest, I'm always blushing when I'm with him.

He cuddled into me, and fell asleep almost immediately. I kissed him on the forehead and closed my eyes.

„Goodnight, noob."

*the next day*

*noobs POV cuz why the fuck not*

Imma write the timeskips and POV's in fat now

I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock, and someone who was laying next to me and turned around to me. Oh right, guest lives here now too..! I turned off my alarm clock and looked at him.

„G'mornin', noob..."

He said and yawned. He was really cute like this..

„Good morning"

„I don't feel like getting up, can we just stay here please..."

He asked and snuggled up to me again. I was blushing really hard, why was he so adorable when he's tired??

„C'mon, guest. We're gonna be late for school."


I got up, careful not to hurt him.

„Noooo, noob... Ok, ok.. I'm coming."

„I did it, yes!"

I said smiling and he got up and stretched.

„Oh, I didn't even notice I was sleeping in my usual clothes."

He noticed. I chuckled, but it was true. Guess we were really tired.

„Ok, let's eat breakfast real quick and then let's go, we're already late!"


Sorry for such a short and crappy chapter now, but I don't really know how to continue the plot. If you have any good ideas, please tell me! I wanna keep this book up and continue writing it, but I need a few ideas for that. I'm also probably not gonna update every day like before, but maybe every second or third day. As I said, I don't have that many ideas left, so it's even harder to update every day. Anyways, thx for reading, byeee!

825 words

✔️ Noob x guest/ angst and fluff/ „Possessed"Where stories live. Discover now