Chapter 2.

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*Guest666 is 16 now*
*Guest666's POV*

Today I'm gonna get in my new class, though, I don't think it's gonna be better than the last one... I was bullied alot in my old class, so I changed classes again... I hope I'm gonna be able to find at least one friend here...

That'd be cool, I've really never had a friend...

*at the classroom cuz I'm lazy as heck*
I don't really know how american schools are like, since I'm from germany. Just correct me if I'm wrong. I'm also not 16 so yeah, idk if it's exactly like always or different lol
„So, everyone listen!" the teacher shouted. Most students were now looking at her, while I was standing beside her, looking at the floor. I've never been someone who talks that much, and I really don't like it when there are so many people looking at me. The only thing I wanted that moment was to vanish. The students were now also looking at me, I didn't look at them but I just felt it. It kinda creeps me out. „We have a new student today, be nice to him, okay? Now, introduce yourself", she said, she didn't really look like she even cared though. „Uh, so, my name's guest666 and yeah. That's it I think.", I explained awkwardly.
Some people laughed at me, which I kinda understood since, well that was pretty awkward. Other people just whispered stuff like :"Ew, a guest". I didn't really mind though, I'm used to it.

„Guest666, you can sit next to noob", the teacher explained. I looked over to the kid named noob, I noticed him earlier. He seems kinda interesting, I don't know why. But he looks friendly, I'm glad I can sit next to him instead of one of these other people who already hate me because I am a guest...
I sat down next to him, sighing of relief. „Hello!!", he said excited. „Uh- h-hi..." Ugh, my goddamn social anxiety. „Wanna be friends?" He asked right after that. Friends? I've never had a friend before! That would honestly be so cool... but... he looks so friendly, I bet he's friends with everyone here...

Ugh, who cares. I always wanted someone to talk to, so why don't I just say ok??

„Uhm, ok. My name is guest666."
I immediately regret what I said, I already told everyone a few minutes ago that that was my name!!
„Y-you really wanna be friends...?", he said, shocked for some reason. I was confused, he asked me, didn't he? Or was it something else? „Uh, yeah? Is something wrong or...?"
„Uh, no nothing! I'm just glad I made a friend!" He genuinely looked happy and smiled. I just smiled back.
He looked kinda cute like that-
Ugh! What am I thinking? I just met him.

*after class*

„Come, guesty! Let's go get something to ea-„

I stopped.
He called me guesty, that's....

„Goodnight, guesty"
„Oh guesty, what did you do now again?"
ShOuLd We KiLl ThE kId ToO?"

No, n-NoT aGaiiN-

ReLaX, gUesT, rElaX. JUsT bReaThe and thEn it's gonna be alright again.

„He-hey.... Y-you o-o-okay...?" I looked up to see noob, with tears in his eyes. „I-I am! Just , please... Don't call me... g-guesty... ok?" He nodded. Then he ran up to me and hugged me, and cried into my shoulder. I was surprised, but hugged him back. He then whispered „W-what... Was that? You looked so d-different."
I didn't know if I could explain it to him yet, but I still wanna have him as my friend, so... I decided that I would try to explain it to him. First I noticed something though. We weren't in front of the classroom, we were at a tree.
„Where... Are we?", I asked.
„Oh. Yeah you were out for like ten minutes, I didn't want anyone to see us so I just brought you here."
„Oh... Sorry, for me it was like five seconds, I didn't know it was for that long actually"
„Am I back to normal now or... still, y'know...?"
He nodded and looked down. I just sighed of relief. I really hate when that happens to be honest. I always feel like I'm being possessed by something, and I don't know what it is.
I decided to just explain everything to him, so if that happens again he won't be too shocked.
„L-Listen, I'm going to explain why that happened and what happened, okay?"
„Mhm", he said and looked at me curious.
„S-So, my parents were killed on my sixth birthday, by some weird people who broke into our house. I could hear everything they said, they knew that I was there but decided to keep me alive, so that I could suffer even more. And... Y-Yeah my parents always called me g-g-guesty... That day, when that happened I got „possessed" for the first time. I looked into the mirror and saw my red glowing eyes and my pitch black skin and.... a-and... That's what happened. It haunts me till this d-day..."
I felt tears forming in my eyes, and a few moments later I was crying into his shoulder. I felt so embarrassed and blushed slightly, but noob didn't mind.
„I'm sorry for what happened to you... I'm going to try to not wake up bad memories, okay?", I nodded.

„Thank you, noob."

Yessss, I did it!! But, the angst isn't over yet. So don't be surprised later. Have a good day, byeee!

939 words

✔️ Noob x guest/ angst and fluff/ „Possessed"Where stories live. Discover now