Chapter 15.

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*three weeks later*
*???'s POV*

„We did it, guys!"

I yelled as we broke into ROBLOX's control centre. It was really hard to get in here, since it's the ROBLOX's control centre and they have a lot of security here. The room was filled with all kinds of books, which were probably filled with important admin commands. The ban hammer was laying on a table, and I was also able to see a lot of computers and other electronic stuff, of which I didn't know what they were.

„I can't believe it! In just a few minutes, we'll be able to do what we always wanted! Good job, y'all."

I said and we all looked at the ban hammer. With the help of it, we would be able to delete all guests at once! Killing them off doesn't work after all, there are always gonna be some people that survive. Or some people that let them survive. We were lucky this traitor wasn't there anymore...

„Ok, Jack, we gotta be really fast. Hack into the computers and select all guests. Then we can simply use the ban hammer and they're all deleted."

Jack, our hacker nodded and ran up to the computers. We just stood around and were making sure that ROBLOX or the admins wouldn't come now, it was so hard to break into their control centre... If anyone does something wrong, we're dead.

„I'm in!"

Jack shouted.

„Good, you know what to do."

He didn't reply, but I took it as a yes.

My heart was beating really fast at that moment. We were about to delete a whole fucking race. Maybe... We should go back? But we all waited so many years for this moment...

I couldn't just leave right now.

„O-Ok! I selected them! Take the hammer, and hit the ban button..."

Since no one actually wanted to do this part, I sighed and took the ban hammer. I looked at it for a moment...

Ok, let's do this...

I shivered and hold the hammer over my head, ready to hit the ban button. I took a deep breath and hit it with all of my might...

I was already able to hear the screams...

*Guest 666's POV*
*at the roof (yes again) together with Noob, Acorn and Lavender*

Over the last three weeks, we four have become really close friends. We spent all breaks together and often hung out after school. And they kept on fangirling over Noob and me, but oh well.

But I felt a bit weird, as if something was not right...

Lavender was coughing and I looked at her, worried.

„Hey, Lavender? Are you okay? We can go home if you want that.", Acorn asked.

„N-No... It's oka¥"

What was happening to her?!

Glitches started to appear around her, and ripped parts of her off...?

„H-Hey!! Lavender, what the hell is happening!!? Please, we need to help you!", Noob shouted and looked really worried about her. These glitches kept appearing...

What were those??

What is happening??

But then, I understood...

She was getting deleted.

I felt something around me too, and I fell down on the floor, coughing and holding my head. Everything was getting blurry and Noob and Acorn were so shocked, they didn't know what to do...

„Guest, you too?!"

Parts of me were being ripped off and disappeared. It really, really hurt. Blood was dripping off my shoulder. Parts of it were already missing.

Noob ran up to me and hold me in his arms, he began to cry...

Acorn looked traumatized at Lavender , as she was slowly disappearing.

„L-Lavender...? This isn't funny! Please...!!"

Noob also tried to speak to me, but it was hard to understand. I was about to get unconscious every moment.






-o no-





! w•N"7 jU$7 w@7(H ¥()U g£7T!nG d€l£teD, 666

N-Not you again-

! Kn•W wh() d!D 7h!$

You know it...?

¥£$, ! d•

Then... Tell me.

7h€ p€•Pl£ 7h@T k!lL€d ¥•Ur P@r£n7$.


N()w 7€Ll m€, 666. W()UlDn"7 !7 b€ @ $h@m£, !f 7h€ p€•Pl£ 7h@t k!lL€D ¥()uR P@r€n7s @nd n•W d€<!d£D 7• d€Le7£ ¥()uR wH()Le r@<e, <oUld jU$7 C•n7!nU€ L!k€ 7hAt?

... I...

I7"$ t!m€ f()r ¥•u T() f!n@lL¥ g€7 R€vEng£ ()n 7h£m!

But... I can't just-

¥•u w!lL m@¥bE €vEn b£ @blE to bR/nG 7h€ d£Le7€t guE$7s b@<k, !f ¥•u'd b€ @ble t() h@<k !n7o 7h€ C)N7r•L $ysTem.

Are you sure...?

7H€rE !s @ <h@ncHe.


¥•u d()n"7 h@v€ mU<H 7!mE l£fT, s• jU$7 @gr€E.

... I-I don't know... But I might be able to save so many people by that...

!"m t@k!nG 7h!$ @s @ ¥€s.





Ok, with that the main story continues! I'm sorry, but I can't think of a lot of other fluff stuff that I can write.. I'm also sorry for the late update, but I just couldn't write yesterday for some reason, and I had a lot to do today. Also, it's taking wayyyyy too long to do this font ;-;.

I also have some other stuff to say. When the main story of this book ends, that does not mean that it is done. I will maybe write some more fluff chapters and oneshots as extra, but idk.

Anyways, thx for reading, byeee!

942 words

✔️ Noob x guest/ angst and fluff/ „Possessed&quot;Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin