Melissa Gets A Time Out

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One afternoon Melissa was sitting on the back of the couch.

"I couldn't tell how great the view is from up here."

Scourge walked into the living room.

"Melissa it's time for..."

Scourge noticed Melissa sitting on the back of the couch.

"Bad Melissa!" said Scourge.


"You heard me I said bad Melissa, what do you think are you doing?"

"Sitting on the back of the couch to look at the view from up here."

Scourge frowned at her.

"That's very naughty to do that get down right now or you're getting a time out."

"No I want to sit like this."

"No you won't missy you will do as I said get off of the sofa back."

"I don't want to."

"Fine if that's what you want you're going to timeout."


"How dare you disobey me timeout right now."

Scourge looked very serious at her.

Melissa jumped on Scourge's feet when she got off the couch.

"Ow Melissa that really hurts."

Melissa started to pout.

"Don't make a pouty face at me come on you're going to sit on the stool for 10 minutes and think about what you have done."

"You're not allowed to move that's what you get for disobeying me."

Melissa tried to escape but Scourge put her back on the stool.

"Don't move you know I have to punish you if you choose to acted up okay."

"Just sit here and settle down and think about what you have did you do not jump on my feet that's not nice you can't hurt big brother okay."

"Sit here and behave."

10 minutes later.

"All right time's up you did it all right good job I'm proud of you timeout's over okay."

"Now remember please no more sitting on the back sofa."

"Okay I'm sorry Scourge."

Melissa give Scourge a hug.

"Are you going to behave yourself."


"Good girl."

Scourge Boom Season 1Where stories live. Discover now