Sick Day For Scourge and Melissa

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One morning Scourge and Melissa were in bed not feeling well.

Scourge was coughing and blowing his nose into the tissue.

Kimberly told them it was time to get up.

Melissa got up but not Scourge.

"How are you feeling sweetie." Kimberly asked.

"I'm fine." said Melissa.

Kimberly put her hand on her forehead.

"You're burning up you're not going to daycare today."

Kimberly told her to get back to bed.

Sheldon came into Scourge's room.

"Scourge are you okay." Sheldon asked.

"No my throat hurts and and my head hurts."

"Oh dear let me feel your forehead."

Sheldon put his hand on his forehead.

"You're burning up that means you have to stay in bed." said Sheldon.

Sheldon put wet cloth on his forehead.

"There you go."

Scourge was lying in bed very quiet.

He looked at comic books.

Melissa was bored in bed she wanted to have some company.

She went into Scourge's room.

Melissa was coughing and sneezing into her tissue. 

"Scourge I'm lonely."

But before he can answer he asked her if she was sick too she said yes.

"Well come here and get in bed with me."

Melissa climbed into bed.

Melissa cuddled with Scourge.

"It's no fun to be sick." said Melissa.

"I know."

Scourge turn on the tv.

He was watching Where Are My Pants.

Scourge was laughing weakly.

Melissa was laughing weakly as well.

"This is funny he showed up at work wearing no pants and he doesn't know where it is."

"Yeah Scourge it's really funny."

Kimberly came to check on them she noticed Melissa was not in her room.

She was in Scourge's room.

"Aww you are cute together."

"It's time to take your medicine it will make you feel better."

"But mommy I don't like medicine." said Melissa.

"I know it will taste bad but It will make you feel better."

She gave spoonful of medicine and put it into their mouths.

"See Melissa it wasn't so bad." said Scourge.

"I'll be right back with a glass of water."

Kimberly did come back with glass of water.

They both took a sip of water.

"This really help us."


They put the empty glass on the nightstand.

Melissa cuddled Scourge.

Scourge was petting Melissa's head

"I love you Scourge."

"I love you too."

They both started to feel sleepy.

"Scourge I'm sleepy I think the medicine is making us drowsy."

"Me too."

Scourge put a sleep story from his iPad it's called Wonder by Mathew McConaughey.

After listening to the story they both fell asleep.

Kimberly came to check on them they were both asleep.

"Sleep well you two, sweet dreams", Kimberly said as she kissed them on the head.

Triple Threat had made get well soon cards for Scourge and Melissa.

Sheldon saw them with the cards they gave the cards to him.

Sheldon put them in Scourge's room.

Scourge and Melissa were in deep sleep.

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