Melissa The Picky Eater

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It was lunch time everyone was at the table eating their food but not Melissa.

"Yuck what is this?"

"It's broccoli Melissa it will make you big and strong." said Kimberly

"I don't like broccoli it's green and it has no taste." said Melissa.

"You're not leaving the table until broccoli is all gone."

"Tommy you can have seem."

She dumped the broccoli on to Tommy's plate.


Tommy was not happy.

"Since you hate broccoli have the fish."

Tommy dumped eggplant on Melissa's plate.

"Take the eggplant it'll make you less bratty."

"Eat my carrots they'll make you nice."

Tommy and Melissa started to fight.

"I don't wanna to eat your germs!"

"You're one big germ!"

Sheldon was losing his patience.


Sheldon pointed to wall which means standing in the corner.

"At least we cleaned our plates for once."

"Go figure."

Later on Scourge had a talk with Melissa.

"Melissa why don't you like broccoli?"

"It's green and it's bad for me."

"Broccoli gives us strong muscles."

Scourge showed her his muscle on his left arm.

"See that muscle."

"But I won't eat it."

"You need to eat vegetables every day it gives us energy."

Scourge tried to make Melissa eat the broccoli.

But she refused.

"Melissa eat your broccoli."


Scourge forced her to eat it.

"Open your mouth Melissa!"

"No I'll never eat these filthy greens!'

Scourge and Melissa started to wrestle.

"Here's comes the train."

Scourge put the broccoli in Melissa's mouth.

"Finally now Melissa chew it and swallow it."

Melissa obeyed him.

Melissa didn't really like the taste.

"See that wasn't so bad."

"I'm never eating those again."

"Sorry I was rough on you."

Scourge's friends showed up.

"Scourge what is going on?" Dani asked.

"I was trying to get Melissa to eat broccoli she refused to eat it so I feed her like a baby." Scourge explained.

"I guess kids don't like to eat vegetables." Steel said.

"Nope guess not."

Triple Threat spend the rest of the day playing volleyball outside.

Melissa was building a sandcastle on the beach.

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