Into The Wilderness

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Triple Threat were watching survivor on tv they saw challenges and winning immunity.

Melissa came in the living room.

"Hey guys Sonic and his friends are having a race and using their survival skills in the wild." said Melissa 

"That's nice Melissa." said Scourge.

"We're watching survivor." said Steel.

"Come on let's outside and beat those guys."

"Melissa you have a lot to learn about surviving in nature."

"Guys come on I want to challenge them in the jungle."

Scourge couldn't say no to her because he doesn't to disappoint her.

"All right we can have a race." said Scourge.

"Yay!" said Melissa.

"She can be a little rascal sometimes."

The Triple Threat got out of the house and went to the jungle.

The two pairs in the starting line is Amy and Sticks Sonic and Knuckles Tony and Monty Shadow and Pandora Dani and Steel Hazen and Sanctum Pikanya and Chuckles Scourge and Melissa.

Tails explain the rules to everyone. "As referee for this race, I want a clean competition. No cheating. Of course, you'll be deep in the woods, so I won't know if you cheat. Look, just don't cheat, OK? I mean, come on, you guys. My job is hard enough..."

"Go." said Sticks.

Off they went.

Melissa really wanted to win.

"Wait slow down you're going to get lost if you're not being careful." said Scourge.

"Oops I forgot."

During the race Melissa spotted a mushroom.

"Hey Scourge what's this red and thingie it's not a smurf house is it."

"Melissa that's amanita muscaria mushroom."


When It was evening they decided to stop to eat.

"Are there any food out here." Melissa asked.

"Yes there is berries and fish in the wild you just have find something that is safe to eat and which is not."

"I'll go get some fish."

Scourge put the tent up and build a campfire.

"Easy as pie I wonder when Melissa get back."

5 minutes later.

"Scourge I found a fish."

"That's great."

Melissa had a biggest fish she's ever caught.

"Oh my god Melissa that's the biggest fish I have ever seen."

"I know right It's a big one for dinner."

Scourge cooked the fish.

They started eating it.

10 minutes later.

"Oh my stomach I couldn't eat another bite." she moaned.

"Me too." said Scourge.

They a drink of water good thing they packed a bottle of water with them.

When It was night time.

Scourge and Melissa got in the tent to settle down for the night.

'Uh Scourge I'm scared if I heard scary noises outside."

"Don't worry Melissa I'm right here."

"You think so."

"Just be brave we're together as siblings get some sleep you gotta need it."

"All right good night Scourge."

"Good night Melissa."

The next morning Scourge and Melissa were still asleep.

Melissa and Scourge were cuddling together.

Scourge woke up and looked at his watch It was 9am.

"Melissa it's time to wake up."

Melissa yawned and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"Let's get moving we have to win." said Melissa.

They ran as fast as can they did see their friends.

But Sonic and Knuckles were ahead of them.

Then suddenly they heard a whooshing sound.

"Hey you hear something?" Sonic asked.

It was Amy and Sticks there were riding on the missile.

Amy and Sticks jumped off the missile and used their tents as parachutes and land into the finish line.

Amy and Sticks won the race.

"Yes winners!" said Amy and Sticks together.

They both laugh.

"No fair!" yelled Sonic.

"Why not? Survival skills are just using what you've got." said Amy.

"We... I... You guys want to lead us home?"

Melissa was upset.

"No fair your cheating." she cried.

"Hey girls don't you know cheaters never win." said Scourge.

"Yeah!" Triple Threat said.

"You will be changing Melissa's diaper girls." said Dani.

"Yeah let's teach those girls a lesson."

Sonic and Knuckles ran into the finish line.

"Sonic and Knuckles wins." said Monty.

"You're disqualified Amy and Sticks."

"Oh yeah we win." said Knuckles.

"Listen girls Sonic and Knuckles won't be doing laundry for a month."

And so Amy and Sticks was changing Melissa's diaper.

Melissa smirked.

"That will teach them not to cheat." she said.

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