Knuckles On Wheel Of Fortune

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"Hi I'm Pat Sayjak, welcome back to Wheel of Fortune. It's Government Worker Week, here at the wheel, and so far things have been uh, very interesting. Here with us are: Debbie Jane, a photographer for the DMV, Louis, a congressional lightbulb changer, and Knuckles, who is former talk show host, who are here to solve this famous quotation."

The Board says "Give Me Libert_ or Give Me Death.

"Vanna, you are looking lovely tonight, hello Vanna."

We see an old Vanna White, waving at the camera.

"Before we left for the break, it was your turn Debbie Jane, solve or spin?"

"No, No, Sorry."

"Give me Liberto or Give me Death."

"No, is Liberto a word?"

"It's a musical term."

"Knuckles, would you like to solve or spin?"

"I would like to buy a continent."

"For the last time, you can buy vowels, not CONSONANTS."

"Uhh, is 3 a vowel?"

Sonic did a face palm.

"For the last time, A,E,I,O,and U are vowels, and sometimes, sometimes Y. Colors are not vowels, neither are numbers, punctuation marks, or happy faces, got it?"

"I got it."

"I would like to spin, Pat."

The contestants begin to clap until the wheel is at a complete stop. It lands on 500.


"All right, umm, I'd like to solve it. Give Me Liberto or Give Me Death!"

Vanna begins to nod and move her hands, she is on oxygen, with a mask over her mouth and nose.

"No, that's what Debbie Jane said."

That's where I got it from. Did, did she win?"

(In a whiny, mad voice) "No!"

"Louis, would you like to solve the puzzle, or spin?"

"I know it, Pat, but I think I am going to go for the money."

Louis spins the wheel, after a few seconds, Pat grabs the wheel and stops it.

"Ok, is there an F?"

"You mean a Y?"

"You heard me Pat, an F."

"Ok Vanna is there an F?"

"Ok, is there an F? Did you hear me Pat, is there an F?"

The Buzzer sounds, and Vanna (In a walker) puts her arm out to the space.

"No. Sorry."

"I was sure it was Give me Libertf or Give me Death!"

"Ok, Debbie Jane, it is back to you."

"Yes, I want to solve the puzzle. Give me Libertu or give me death!"

The buzzer sounds again, and we see Vanna with a medic, who is using a Stethoscope to check her heart.


A buzzer sounds.

"Ok, that sound means that we are almost out of time, lets give the wheel one last spin."

Pat spins the wheel, then quickly stops it.

Ok, Knuckles?

 "Is there an L?"

We see the puzzle, Vanna is still with the medic.

"The L is already up there!"

"Is there a D?"

"The D is already up there too! Knuckles! The letters that are up there have already been used."

"Oh, I thought those were the letters I was supposed to pick from."

"Hah, Give me Liberty or Give Me Death!"

"Yes, he got it!" his friends said.

 "Wha,Wha, what did you say?"

"Uhh, give me Lieberman or give me Death."

"No. No, what was the first thing you said."


"No! You said"


"Try Knuckles, try. Nothing?"


"Come on! Try! Try it Knuckles! Nothing? Liberty? Did he say Liberty?"

"Yes, he did say it." said Shadow.

"Well, what you do you know we have a winner."

Knuckles went to the bonus round, and he win 100,000 he did pick happy face as a vowel which it isn't a vowel.

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