Chapter 13 : He looks familiar

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No one's pov :

Ink appeared in a forest, he looked around and saw that he was near the end of it, he walked out of it and saw a small lake.

He explored a bit and decided to train a bit, he created some stuff he could use as targets and place them far, he also created a bow and some arrows and unsommoned his brush and tried to test his aim.

He kept testing himself and eventually, the night started to appear.

He still didn't came back to the castle because he knew he was already screwed, Blue probably snitched on him so he though :

–'why not just enjoy my last time outside before being locked up for a week or more.'

He explored a bit more the forest and find some stuff to do, lucky for him, he took his phone before leaving, so he sat in a tree branch and looked at some stuff, it's been a whole hour that he was out, it was completely dark because of the night, the moon was very visible now.

He spend another hour before getting bored, so, he decided to exit the forest and go to the town.

Nobody was out, it was like a ghost town.

–'not surprising, it must be around midnight by now.' He though.

He looked around and hided when he saw a patrol of guards, probably send by Dream to look for him since there was no patrol planned for this night.

–'sh¡*." He though

Ink tried to have a higher point of view climbing up on top of a building, they didn't seemed to see him so he just waited for them to go away before jumping down.

He leaved the village and runned back to the forest, not wanting to risk getting caught and brought back to the castle.

He ran for at least seven minutes before finding the lake again, he sat down near it and pulled his hood up.

He summoned his paintbrush and created a flute, he put his brush down, took the flute and started to play some tunes.

He stoped when he heard a tree branch break, he took his brush got up and got ready to fight.

–"aw man, i though it would be easier to startle you."

Ink sighed.

–"Nightmare, what are you doing here, it's not like you to be out this late."

–"it's the same for you and i just wanted to show a friend a bit of the forest but i saw you and tried to startle you but you noticed me." Nightmare said as he pointed to the guy next to him and at random directions.

The guy next to him was totaly covered, he was wearing a white jacket, a black scarf and black shorts.

Ink rolled his eyes and nodded, he turned back towards the lake and made a puddle of ink with his brush.

–'knowing how discreet Nightmare is, i better move somewhere else before guards start to arrive.' Ink though.

He only gave a small wave before teleporting away.

–"meh, just forget him for now i don't he want to talk right now." Nightmare said as he walked away followed by his friend "anyways i was thinking of maybe getting you new clothes, not that the one you're wearing are not cool but they aren't made for a memer like you, what do you think Cross ?"

–"eehhh why not ?" Cross said as he looked back where Ink was.

–"you good dude ?"

–"yeah, it's just...he looks familiar."

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