Chapter 20: hang out in the meadow

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°3rd person°

The next morning, Ani went to a random au and found a huge meadow.

They were amazed by the sight.
Beatiful golden flowers everywhere, a big tree near the middle of the ginormous place.

Beatiful golden flowers everywhere, a big tree near the middle of the ginormous place

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(does not belong nor made by me)

It was a breath-taking sight for the ghost.
They runned around played with random birds and chilled under the tree.

Then, all of a sudden, another very familiar ghost appeared in the meadow.

Ani gasped when they saw, no other than their friend.


They jumped up and runned towards him.

–"hey Ani, how are ya?"

–"i'm good, what about you?!" The raven haired ghost was super exited to have their buddy here with them.

–"shitty as always." X-Chara said jokingly.


–"What? It's not like anybody can hear me."

–"i can!" Ani said, making a fake angry face.

–"alright, alright, 'm sorry."

The ghosts chatted for a while about everything that came to their mind.
Wich was very random, it could go from their favorite flowers to who their friends was to a cute cat Ani saw earlier today.

Like what was said, anything.

–"so, how do you feel about the Angel boy?" Chara started after a few minutes of silence.

–"Dream? Well it seems like he moved on from my death, it's very pleasent to know he's doing better."

–"heh, he found another dude." With a loud tone a the word 'dude'.

–"pffffttt, yeah, both of them seem happy with each other, but i'm not sure if it's a crush though."

The two ghosts eventually talked all day, when they checked the time, it was 9 Pm.

–"well, it's my go. I'll be back tomorrow, if you want to chat again!"
Ani said as they got up.

They went back to the portal summoned for them and got back to JR.

They went to Ink's room, and saw him on his phone, they sat on the desk in front of the window and looked outside for most of the night.


Greetings everyone!

I apologize for the shorts chapters,
I have a huge lack of inspiration and it really annoys me.

I wonder if i should take a break like last time to see if i have it back..
Don't really know.

I'm trying to make the story quicker in the events due to that.
Only ten chapters left.
I'll probably do a timeskip to make it easier.

Word count: 407

Next chapter: craving for more feelings

I hope you have a great day/night, bye!


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