15. Forgot

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Ariana hadn't been able to keep it in. Elanor had looked so smug, so sure of herself, she wanted to put her back into place. Ariana didn't like Elanor one bit and after seeing her through Aidan's eyes, her dislike simply increased. She waited for Aidan to answer, but he simply looked horrified by her announcement. Fine, she'll simply have to answer herself.

'It means, we are-'

'planning to move in together.' Aidan interjected. 'Yes, we are moving in together.'

Eleanor nodded and begun to smile, but not a pleasant one.  'Of course, you are.' She sighed. 'I pitty you Ariana. I really do. You have no idea who he really is do you? You have no idea what he's capable of.' Again, her knowning look appeared, and she walked out, her heels echoing on the floor, almost like firealarms going off. 

Silence filled the room and Ariana watched Aidan who looked uncomfortable and out of place. He simply wouldn't meet her eye. They stood for a while, not speaking. What was there to say? The answer was everything, yet nothing at the same time. She was tired and simply didn't want a confrontation. There was another time and place for that. 

'I'm going to check on Alicia.' Ariana said. He simply nodded and disspeared into the bathroom. She heard the shower turn on which pretty much signalled the end of the evening. She knew Aidan wouldn't provide the answers and neither Eleanor, simply out of spite. She looked around the room.  It had the high ceilings, a crystal chandeliaer dangled from it. There was a large bed and glass windows and the whole Italian furniture theme.  The colours were formal, nothing indicating that a family lived here.  It was more of a plush hotel than a home and it sadened her. 

Her thoughts wondered to Aidan's room. He must have his own room in this mansion. Ariana went to the wardrobe and found some shirts. They smelt fresh and she quickly pulled them on. They hadn't expected to stay. She stepped outside the room. It was silent and dark. The guests were long gone. Her barefeet felt cold against the cold hard floor. She found a member of the staff, and her enquiry about Alicia proved successful. It seemed like the entire family had decided to stay after the horrifying ordeal. 

Ariana knocked on the door, and went in. The room was dark, but the bright moon outside displayed enough light for Ariana to spot the lonesome figure of Alicia, who sat on the window seat, hugging a cushion close to her.

'Are you ok?' Ariana said softly, sitting opposite her. She shook her head, black tears streaks were evident on her face. 

'Why me? Why does this always happen to me?' Alicia sniffed. 'Its all my fault.' 

'No. Don't ever blame yourself. It's not your fault that you are beautiful and kind and the animals think they can take advantage. Never blame yourself.' It felt like her words from all those months ago were being echoed. 

'But if that man dies, it will be my fault. Uncle Aidan almost killed him defending me. Doesn't that make it my fault?' 

'No. Alicia, listen to me. What Aidan did, was irrational and stupid, but he did only because...' Ariana stopped and reminded herself of the promise. 'because he loves you that much. He did what any man would do to protect the one he cares so much about, even  thought it was a bit much.'

'Why doesn't my own dad care that much? Sometimes it feels like Uncle Aidan is more of my father than my own dad. Isn't that strange?' Ariana felt herself still and her heart pace. It felt horrible to know the secret when Alicia seemed so oblivious to it all. But for some reason, maternal instict kicked into her. Perhaps, it was knowing that Alicia was her step-daughter. Ariana sighed and pulled Alicia into a hug. Her uncle idea, was so different to Ariana's own story. Her own Uncle loathed her and was prepared to kill her, not kill for her. 

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