6. Nightmares

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Blue sirens flashed outside the house. She turned the tv off and got up from her place and went to the window to see what was going on. The police car was parked directly outside her house. Oanic seared though her as there was a knock on the door. 

She opened it and the both police officers looked glum, as if they had terrible news.

'Hi, do you live here?'

'Yes. what's wrong?' She breathed deeply but felt her breathe harden. 'Is it my parents?'

'We're are so sorry...' 

Ariana bolted upright, her breathing was heavy and she was sweating like mad. That memory haunted her and she couldn't escape the feeling of the panic that evaded her everytime. She looked at the digital clock next to her bed. It was almost midnight. Her exhaustion from putting the finishing touches to the hall for Saturdays winter Masquerade ball had made her forget to take the pills. She went to the bathroom to get some sleeping pills out, but found the packet empty.Great, she thought. Arianna put on some jeans, a maroon leather jacket, leather gloves, warm woolly hat and scarf. It was freezing out there.

 The bell of the pharmacy chimed as she walked in. The lights felt too bright, but it was warm. She must look like a mad women, she thought,  awake in the middle of the night buying some sleeping pills. 

'Rough night.' The shop keeper asked with a knowing smile on his face. He looked like he was in his middle ages ,with grey hair and his glasses. Experience of life was apparent in his face, through the lines in his face. But his smile was kind. 

'Yes.' She didn't say much else. Arianna felt ashamed that seven years on, she still couldn't sleep without pills. She was still weak and couldn't fight her past that continued to haunt her. She couldn't move on and still lived in fear. But  Somehow, one day she would become free of the memories and sleep peacefully; if not in this world then hopefully at least in her grave. She looked away and out through the transparent glass window when all of a sudden a familiar face walked past the shop. What was she doing out at this time of night? However the girl wasn't alone. A  group of boys, with hoods covering their faces were following her. Arianna quickly put some money and grabbed the pills. 

'Miss, your change?' The shopkeeper called.

'Keep it.' She said rushing outside. The streets were deserted and dark, except for the faint glimmer of the street lamps. She looked around. It was dead silent except for the rustling of leaves and the trees. Even the moon had disappeared tonight. Where was she? Arianna walked in the direction she had seen the group go. 

'Help!' She heard the terrified scream and rushed in its direction. At the end of the street, she cut a corner when she got to a dark alleyway and gasped at the sight in front of her. Alicia was trapped in a corner with the 5 boys surrounding her. She looked petrified 

'Let her go.' Arianna demanded. The group of boys, slowly turned around, grinning. They all had he same dark expression. They were clearly drunk or high. But out of their minds one way or another. Another reason not to drink, she thought. It made people loose sense of right and wrong. 

'Or, what?' One of the boys with dark hair, stepped forward with a sneer.

'Or i'll call the police.' She reached for her phone and it wasn't there. Crap, she had forgotten to get it. 

'Now, what are you going to do?' He snickered and the others followed.

'Look, just let her go and this doesn't need to get messy.' She said calmly. The boys just laughed. She was getting frustrated although she knew that they wouldn't listen.  

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