9. uninvited guest

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Ariana's eyes suddenly opened. Someone was in her house. She looked at the digital alarm clock on her right side. It was 6 am. She crawled out of bed and grabbed the knife which had been strapped under her bed. She crept silently and kept her body pressed against the walls. The noise was coming from the kitchen and she could see light coming from there. The intruder was in her kitchen. But that didn't make sense. Why her kitchen? Maybe this criminal was stupid enough to ransack her kitchen and then make off with the little valuables she did have. 

She went nearer to the kitchen but couldn't see the intruder's face since he was busy in the fridge. She grabbed him and as quick as a flash, she had the knife at his throat. Her eyes widened as she realised who it was -Mr Aiden Jones. She quickly let him go and put the knife on the counter. 

'What the fuck!' Aiden shouted, straightening his blazer. 'Trying to kill me now?' 

'What the hell are you doing here?' She demanded, folding her arms. 

'Giving you an unexpected visit like you gave me. You stood me up, Ice queen.'

'You asked for a date, I gave you one. So you weren't stood up. Now how the hell did you get inside?'

'You have a lot of locks. Running from someone?'  He asked. 

'I live on my own. I need to feel safe. Now answer my question.'

'Ok. I copied the key you gave Ellie and picked the others.'  So, Ellie had been a part of this. Great, she thought as she went to get  a glass of water. 

'Now, leave, before I call the police.' She turned to see him standing there. 'Go!' 


'You broke into my house, that's a crime.'

'I didn't take anything.'

'It doesn't matter. If I hadn't found you, God knows what would have happened.'

'What are you trying to suggest, Ice Queen?' He looked a little annoyed as if she was suggesting that he was some sort of serial killer. 

'Just leave.'


'Fine. I am calling the police.' She said walking towards the house phone. 

'Here, use this. I'll even dial it for you. 9.9.9. Should I press call? I dare you.' Aiden challenged her, holding out his own phone. She grabbed the phone, tempted him by pressing 9 three times and then put it down.She wouldn't call the police and he knew that she had been bluffing. 

'What do you want from me?'  She said feeling a little defeated. 

'Breakfast. With me.'  He held up two brown bags of bakery. 

Ariana looked at him and he smiled at her as if he had done nothing to be guilty of. This man really did get what he wanted and even went to extreme lengths to get it. She should say no, but maybe by saying yes., he'd leave her alone.

'Fine. Lets get it over and done with.' 

'Sure, but I don't think I will enjoy my breakfast properly with you looking so...distracting. ' He said as his grey eyes appreciatingly wondered over her. Shit, she was in her pyjamas. Her arms and half her legs were exposed, her hair out and flowing and she wasn't even wearing a bra.

'I'll go and out some clothes on, you can make whatever. By the way, this is not a date.' She added as she sped out the kitchen.

'It's a date.' She could hear a teasing laughter in his voice. She felt so embarrassed and ashamed. She wanted the earth to swallow her up, but that wouldn't happen.. From now on, her night outfits will be more suitable ti unexpected and uninvited guests. 

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