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Ariana felt sick, her eyes stung and her heart felt mutilated. The realization of her situation was calamitous and heartbreaking, like she had been thrown of a cliff. She could no longer hold in the nausea and run upstairs to the sink and let it all out. Grabbing the remote control, she shut the basement door. She shoved on clothes, got her bag and left. It was only going to be a matter of time before Aidan discovered that his cover was blown and no doubt, he'd come and attempt to capture her or even kill her. Before she knew it, she was on the country lanes zooming away. Questions erupted in her mind. 

Who was he? Who was the man she had apparently married? Everything had been so clear the night before and now, she didn't even know who Aidan Jones was or anything anymore. The photos and images had been of her. Images that she hadn't even known had been taken. Like detective type of images, like someone had been watching her, monitoring her. It was him. All this time, it had been the man she had thought she had been in love with. He had been lying to her. He had been spying on her, living with her and even pretended to marry her to get to her.  

Just in time, Ariana swerved and luckily avoided crashing into the oncoming vehicle. So wrapped in her thoughts of betrayal and hurt, she had almost killed herself. But she was alive. Ariana blocked out the feelings and concentrated at the mission at hand- Vanishing. 

Everything was happening in a blur almost like she was a robot. She got her phone, took out the battery and threw it in different places, to avoid being tracked. Next, she abandoned the car in a local car park and threw away the car keys and took a bus, keeping her head lowered at all times. It wasn't a wise decision to return to her apartment but she had Kitty to think about. Ariana kept her face down and continued to walk fast. She could feel eyes all around her, peering at her. But she kept on moving. She had no time to waste. Whoever, Aidan was working for, would be onto her.

He must know by now, and called them, and they were probably in her flat, waiting for her arrival. She stopped and leaned her head against the wall, just trying to breathe and think. No doubt, Mrs Lyon would take care of her or Kitty would be saved by others. She turned away from the apartment and bugun heading  towards the train station. The passing strangers looked so normal and ordinary, but how many actually were? How many of them were true and didn't lead double lives. Who was she to talk? But she wasn't leading a double life, she wasn't lying to anyone. She had simply changed her identity and stayed loyal to it. This was who she was now, but not anymore. 

As Ariana reached another corner, she immediately looked around, It was deserted. Her thoughts had drifted her to somewhere she wanted to avoid. She decided to call a taxi but she had thrown her phone away. She quickly walked away,  trying to get into a busy place as fast as possible. As she walked onto another street, her heart almost stopped. Two men appeared dressed in black suits and alarm bells begun ringing. Should she run or continue as normal. God, she was acting so paranoid. This wasn't a movie, where men in suits would be secret agents, who would suddenly come up to her and ask her; 'Ma'am, come with us,' in intimidatingly quiet but authoritative voices. No, they wouldn't. Besides she would protect herself, she had her numerous self-defence moves.

She gathered her confidence and continued to walk as normal, but on high alert. She walked past them, and immediately felt a little more relaxed. But that relaxation lasted a few seconds. All of a sudden, she felt herself stumble. Her head spun and before she knew it, she had been sucked into blackness. 


Ariana's eyes suddenly opened. The blurriness begun to clear and her heart was racing. She didn't know where she was. She looked around the dull white walls of the cube shaped, room. Inside it, there was only an a grey metal toilet and a sink glued to one of the walls and the bed she had been sleeping in. There were no windows. She was in a cell.

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