5. Art attack

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It was a Saturday and a few weeks before the winter masquerade ball and Arianna was helping the 'Events Committee' sorting out the props and preparation for the all important ball. Although she wasn't an artist nor any good at it, she enjoyed art. The way the brush swept smoothly and covered up the flaws or made something look new and even the smell of it. She painted another large cardboard snowflake in silver and flaked some silver glitter onto it. 5 down and another 25 to go, she thought as she stacked it against the wall. Some of the other kids and staff were present helping out. They had been split up and appointed different jobs in order to get the work done faster.

'Good morning Miss.' Arianna inwardly cringed at the voice. It was Mr Stay, the not-so-fit P.E (Physical Education) or Sports teacher. He had leering, greedy dark eyes, greasy brown hair along with being on the larger side of life. His skin was slimy like a frog, and he smelt of unwashed clothes. As if that wasn't enough, he also ate with his mouth open. Staff members avoided him like a plague. Arianna felt deeply sorry for his P. E students.

'Good morning. What are you doing here  on the weekends?'

'Oh just dropping in, making sure nothing goes wrong in my sports hall.' He chuckled and stopped realizing that Arianna wasn't laughing and it was not his hall. 'The boys have an extra football session today.'Ariann nodded, continuing her painting.

'Miss, do you need help with that?'

'No. I am fine.' She said moving away slightly as he stepped closer.

'Yes, you do look fine enough.' Mr Stay made no attempt in hiding the fact that he was looking her up and down. Arianna frowned, unimpressed and moved further away. She was wearing a turquoise cardigan, a white blouse with dark trousers. Hardly anything to look at.

'Right, i think Rachael over there needs help.' Arianna announced pointing at the furthest corner of the hall.

'But you're on your ow-'

'I do not need help.' She snapped. Mr Stay pretty much got the message as he walked away looking deflated. She almost shivered at the thought of spending another minute him. A little while later, the snow flakes were almost done but the paint had run out. Arianna walked to the art teacher who was in charge of the stock.

'Hi, is there any white or silver paint here?' She said as she scanned the desk looking for the paint amongst all the other brushes, paints and pots.

'No. But Can you help him get some since he's a volunteer and  doesn't know where the art cupboard is.' Mrs McKee said pointing over her shoulder to the very man who had been haunting her dreams.

'What are you doing here?' She narrowed her eyes at Mr Jones who approached the table. He was dressed in a soft purple v-neck jumper which clung to his body, over a white shirt and dark jeans. He looked different out of the smart, business like suits; more approachable but that's where the difference stopped. He looked as stormy as ever.

'Helping out.' He said firmly, making her feel stupid again.

'Well you continue helping out here. I can get the paints myself-'

'No, i don't mind helping.' They regarded each other, challenging, which was broken by Mrs McKee's voice and Alicia approaching them.

'Ok, can you get some more of the things the ladder i think we are all running out of everything.' Mrs McKee said handing Arianna the keys to access the room.

Arianna walked away. She didn't say anything as she was busy looking for the key that said 'art room', which was a mission considering there were so many keys jumbled up together. She could feel his gaze boring into her back. Luckily by the time she approached the art room, she had found the keys to avoid any embarrassment. She opened the door and switched on the light whoch didn't do a great job at lighting up the place. She  grabbed an empty wooden box and held it out to Mr Jones which he took without a fuss.

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