28. How

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Aidan woke up and stretched as sunlight streamed in through the windows. He looked over to see the bed empty. His abdomen hurt like hell but he didn't care. It was a pain that reminded him that the previous day had happened. When he had caught sight of her, for a moment he had to catch his breath. She was so beautiful. Her hair was shorter and she looked better, much better than when he had seen her last. Her eyes were the vibrant emerald green that mesmerized him. All he could do was stare and she had caught him out, but he hadn't cared. He had found her. After years of searching, Aidan had finally given up only to have God answer his prayers as he landed right outside her door. 

He had dared to kiss her, his insides were flipping inside out, but when she responded he knew that time hadn't been a barrier because everything, all their feelings remained the same and his was stronger than before. 

Although Ariana seemed sceptical and distant, he didn't care and didn't blame her. He had lied and it had hurt them both. But now, it seemed that they were on the road to recovery. He was sure that she would give him another chance. He had spent the night explaining everything to her, besides the classified information of course.  Nonetheless, she had listened silently intently, her eyes wide with curiosity. But he could tell that she was having her own battles, deeply distracted by something else and that she was hiding something. But what? She hesitated and every so often seemed like she looked ready to blurt out something and then she'd close her mouth. 

Aidan shrugged off the nagging feeling and got up and called out for her. But there was no reply.  Although, the stitches were fresh, he needed a shower. It felt like a new start, a clean slate. After a quick shower, He had walked to the utility room to see that his clothes neatly folded, fresh from the dryer. He smiled and put on his clothes and went to prepare some breakfast. 

As the egg cooked, Ariana walked in through the door. She greeted him with a good morning and placed a wooden box into the sideboard in the living room. He wondered if things had changed between them and a fear gripped his chest, what if she didn't give him the chance that he was desperate for? What if he had miscalculated and she didn't want him anymore? 

'Good morning. where did you disappear off to?' 

'Just my morning walk. Smells good.'

' Just rustled up some breakfast.' He went over to her and gave her a kiss. He was determined to keep things as normal as possible. Ariana smiled as she sat down and started buttering some toast.

'So why did you come here, move here?' Aidan asked, sitting next to her. 

'I lived here before, for a while. I know May, she's the owner of the hotel where I work. She's like family. Anyway, its beautiful, this cottage is perfect, well it will be with a little work. The town isn't far and the schools are really-'

'Schools?' Aidan asked, surprised. 'I thought you're over that.'

'Er...For the future. I did enjoy teaching and I might go back. I don't know. I just want to keep my options opened.' She nodded and looked down at her tea, hesitantly. It was clear that she had made that response up on the spot but he didn't press.  

'So, when do you get time to work on this place?' He said, looking around at the half- painted walls and the damp ceiling. 

'I don't, but I try to make time.' She said, looking at her phone screen. 'I have to get ready for work.' She got up and as she walked forward,  Aidan pulled her by the waist onto his lap. She put her arms around his shoulders and stroked the back of his head. 'We need to talk...' 

'I called up work and told them that I'll be taking a few days off, so we can do all the talking we want.' He smiled, claiming her lips. 

'Aidan I have to get to work.' Ariana said as she came up for air. Her cheeks were flushed and his heart pounded. 

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